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Manually Add or Remove a Feature Key

You must add a feature key to a new device, and you must update the device feature key after you activate a service or upgrade option. The updated feature key enables the functionality on your device. To update the feature key manually, you can download the feature key from the WatchGuard website, and then paste it into your device configuration file. Before you add the new feature key in Policy Manager, you must remove the old feature key.

To retrieve the current Firebox feature key from the WatchGuard website:

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Log in with your WatchGuard account user name and password.
  3. On the Support Home tab, click My Products.
  4. In the list of products, select your device.
    The Product Details page appears.
  5. On the Product Details page, click Get your feature key.
    The feature key details appear in a dialog box.
  6. Select all of the text in the feature key.
  7. To copy the selected text, right-click the selected text and select Copy or press Ctrl+C on your keyboard.
  8. Paste the selected text into the feature key dialog box when you edit the device configuration file, or paste it into an empty text file.

Manually Update the Feature Key

For detailed steps to update the feature keys for a FireCluster, see About Feature Keys and FireCluster.

Remove the Feature Key 

If you remove the feature key from Fireware Web UI, some functionality is immediately disabled on the device. Without a feature key, the device allows only one connection to the external network.

See Also

About Feature Keys

Get a Firebox Feature Key

Video tutorial: Retrieve and Import a Feature Key Using WSM

Video tutorial: Retrieve and Import a Feature Key Using the Web UI

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