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Run Authentication Diagnostics

From the Dimension Access Management > Diagnostics page, you can run diagnostic tests to verify the connection between Dimension and the Active Directory server or RADIUS server you have configured to authenticate users to Dimension.

Diagnostic test options and settings include:

  • Active Directory Server Connection — Specify the domain name of your Active Directory server
  • Active Directory Server User Credentials — Specify these details:
    • Domain Name where the server is located
    • User Principal Name of the user credentials to test
    • Passphrase of the user credentials to test
  • RADIUS Server User Credentials — Specify these details:
    • IP Address / Host Name of the RADIUS server
    • Port to connect to the RADIUS server
    • User Name of the user credentials to test
    • Passphrase of the user credentials to test
    • Secret for the RADIUS server

To diagnostic tasks for authentication:

  1. Select > Administration > Administration > Access Management.
    The Access Management page appears, with the Users & Groups page selected.
  2. Select Diagnostics.
  3. To unlock the configuration so you can make changes, click the Locked icon.
    For more information about how to unlock and lock the Dimension configuration, see Lock and Unlock the Dimension Configuration.
  4. From the Test drop-down list, select a test to run:
    • Active Directory Server Connection
    • Active Directory Server User Credentials
    • RADIUS Server User Credentials
  5. Specify the details for the test you selected.
  6. Click Run.
    The test runs and shows the results in the window.
  7. To end the test before it completes, click Stop.
    The test stops.

See Also

Configure Access Management Settings

Configure Authentication Settings

Configure User Lockout Settings

Configure the Visibility Settings

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