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AP Devices

On the AP Devices Dashboard page for any Firebox with connected AP devices, you can see details about the AP device deployment. This includes a chart for the selected period, with pivot options to see the number of bytes or number of clients for an AP device.

You can filter the AP device details by:

  • All AP Devices
  • All SSIDs
  • All Bands

You can pivot the AP device details by:

  • Clients
  • Bytes

The AP Devices Dashboard only appears if your Firebox has connected AP devices with the necessary data to populate the Dashboard.

To see the AP Devices Dashboard:

  1. From the Devices page List, Health, or License tabs, select the name of a Firebox with connected AP devices.
    If the Firebox has only a logging connection to Dimension, the Executive Dashboard page appears.
    If the Firebox has a management connection to Dimension, the Device Summary page appears.
  2. From the Start and End drop-down list calendars, select the start and end dates to include in the report data.
    The data in the Executive Dashboard changes based on the time range you specify.
  3. From the Tools tab, expand the Dashboards list and select AP Devices.
    The AP devices page appears.
  4. Select options to filter and pivot the details that appear on the page.
  5. To see information about a section of the chart, place your cursor over that section of the chart.
  6. To only see details for a particular SSID in the chart, click that SSID.

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