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See Device Licenses

From the Dimension Devices > License page, you can see the most recent license information for all of your managed Fireboxes and FireClusters. License information is not available for Fireboxes that are only configured for logging to Dimension.

The License list includes the licensed features included in the feature key for each managed Firebox and the expiration date for each feature. This list includes licenses for the Dimension Command, LiveSecurity Service, and the Subscription Services. If the column for a feature is empty, a license for that feature is not included in the feature key for that Firebox.

Feature expiration dates are color coded:

  • No color — The license for the feature is valid and will expire in more than 90 days
  • Yellow — The license for the feature is valid and will expire in less than 90 days
  • Orange — The license for the feature is valid and will expire in less than 30 days
  • Red — The license for the feature has expired

If the licenses for the LiveSecurity Service or Dimension Command expire for a Firebox, after a 30-day grace period, you can no longer manage that Firebox with Dimension.

You can sort the License list by any column.

To see the License list:

  1. Log in to Dimension.
    The Devices page appears.
  2. Select the License tab.
    The License list appears.

Screen shot of the Devices > License page

Example of the License list with both managed Fireboxes and Fireboxes with only a logging connection.

See Also

View Devices

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