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See Devices on the Map

From the Dimension Devices > Map page, you can see the geographical location of each Firebox connected to Dimension on a world map. Each Firebox appears as a dot on the world map to indicate the location of the Firebox, based on the longitude and latitude you specify when you add the Firebox to Dimension. The color of the dot indicates the connection status of the Firebox.

For a Firebox with logging and management connections enabled:

  • the Connected icon — Logging and management connections are active
  • the Disconnected icon — Logging and/or management connections are inactive

For a Firebox with only a management connection enabled:

  • the Connected icon — Management connection is active
  • the Disconnected icon — Management connection is inactive

For a Firebox with only a logging connection enabled:

  • the Connected icon — Logging connection is active
  • the Disconnected icon — Logging connection is inactive

To see the Map page:

  1. Log in to Dimension.
    The Devices page appears.
  2. Select the Map tab.
    The world map appears.

Sceen shot of the Map page

Example of the Map page with two Fireboxes that are connected to Dimension, and one Firebox that is disconnected.

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