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Configure Notification Settings

On the Notifications tab of the Dimension Server Management > Configuration pages, you can enable Dimension to send notification messages when:

  • The events you specify for policies, Fireboxes, and servers occur
  • A failure event occurs on a Firebox or Dimension

When you select to send notifications for any of these events, you must also specify the email server to use to send the notification messages, and the email accounts to send and receive the messages.

For more information about how to configure the email settings for Dimension, see Configure Email Settings.

Before you can configure the settings for your Dimension server, you must unlock the configuration so you can make changes.

  1. Select > Administration > Administration > Server Management.
    The Server Management pages appear with the Status tab selected.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
    The Configuration pages appear with the General tab selected.
  3. To unlock the configuration so you can make changes, click the Locked icon.
    For more information about how to unlock and lock the Dimension configuration, see Lock and Unlock the Dimension Configuration.
  4. Select the Notifications tab.
    The Notification settings appear.
  5. Configure the settings as described in the next sections.
  6. Click Save.

Configure Notifications for Events

Dimension collects log messages for any failure events that occur on your Fireboxes and on the instance of Dimension. When a failure event occurs on a Firebox or on Dimension, and you have enabled logging for failure events, a notification message is sent about the failure event. Failure events for Dimension include PostgreSQL service failures, system failures, and network failures.

For a Firebox, a notification message is sent if the Firebox fails to collect log messages.

For Dimension, a notification message is sent for these failures:

  • Lost database connection

If the connection to the database is lost and cannot be reestablished immediately, a notification message is sent. The server continues to try to connect to the database until the connection succeeds. The server sends a notification email every 10 minutes until the database connects to the server again.

  • Database errors

This includes I/O errors, disk-full conditions, and any other database-related failures.

  • Database backup errors

This includes any errors that occur when the log data is backed up (for example, I/O errors).

  • Heartbeat detection error

When a Firebox is connected to the Log Collector, the Dimension server verifies that the log messages from a connected Firebox are being written to the database. If the Log Server detects that a Firebox is connected, but no log messages have been written to the database for 10 minutes, it sends a notification message.

In the Events section, you configure when Dimension sends event notifications by email.

  • To enable notification for failure events, select the When a failure event occurs on this Log Server check box.
  • To enable notification for alarm events that occur on a connected device or server, select the When an event notification is received from any device or server check box.

Configure Notification Message Settings

If you select to send an email notification for events, you can specify which email accounts send the email notification messages and the subject text for the messages. The email accounts you select must be valid email accounts that your SMTP server recognizes.

In the Notification Setup section:

  1. In the Send Email To text box, type the full email address of the account to which you want to send notification messages.
  2. In the Send Email From text box, type the full email address of the account from which you want to send notification messages.
  3. In the Subject text box, type the subject line for the event notification messages.
  4. To send a test notification email to the address you specified, click Test Email.
    A message appears that tells you if the notification email was sent successfully, or if it failed to send.

See Also

Configure Email Settings

Dimension Server Management

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