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Reset FireboxV or XTMv to Factory-Default Settings

If you want to run the Web Setup Wizard again for a FireboxVor XTMv virtual machine, you can use the Fireware Command Line Interface (CLI) to reset the virtual machine to factory default settings.

Connect to the Fireware CLI on Hyper-V

You can manage your FireboxV or XTMv virtual machine with the Fireware CLI when you connect to the virtual machine in Hyper-V Manager or you can connect through a serial port. To use the CLI through a serial port, you must allocate a serial port to the virtual machine. You can use a physical serial port or connect over a network.

To connect to the CLI in the Hyper-V Manager:

  1. In Hyper-V Manager, in the Virtual Machines pane, right-click the FireboxV or XTMv virtual machine.
  2. Select Connect.
  3. Log in with the admin or status account credentials.

Connect to the Fireware CLI on ESXi

You can manage your FireboxV or XTMv virtual machine with the Fireware CLI from the console in the vSphere Client, or you can connect through a serial port. To use the CLI through a serial port, you must allocate a serial port to the virtual machine. You can use a physical serial port or connect over a network.

To use the CLI in the ESXi console:

  1. In the vSphere Client Inventory tree, select the FireboxV or XTMv virtual device.
  2. Select the Summary tab.
  3. Click Open Console.
  4. Log in with the admin or status account credentials.

Use the CLI to Reset the Firebox to Factory-Default Settings

To reset the FireboxV or XTMv virtual machine to factory-default settings:

  1. Log in to the CLI with the admin account.
  2. Run the command restore factory-default.

For information about how to use the CLI to manage Fireware, see the Command Line Interface Reference on the Product Documentation page at

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