Reset the Passphrase for a Firebox-DB Account

Firebox Authentication, also known as Firebox-DB authentication, enables you to store on your Firebox the user accounts that you create to give your users access to your network. You can reset the password for a Firebox-DB user account if, for example, a user forgets their password and cannot authenticate to the Firebox.

In Fireware v12.2.1 or higher, you must specify the minimum number of characters for a passphrase. You can specify a value between 8 and 32 characters. Longer passphrases are more secure. For more information, go to Define a New User for Firebox Authentication.

Along with the passphrase, when you edit a user account, you can also change this information:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Passphrase
  • Session timeout
  • Idle timeout
  • Login limits for a user or group

Related Topics

Configure Your Firebox as an Authentication Server

Define a New Group for Firebox Authentication

Use Users and Groups in Policies