Multi-Tenant Management — Task Results

Applies To: WatchGuard Advanced EPDR, WatchGuard EPDR, WatchGuard EDR, WatchGuard EPP

To access the multi-tenant management UI for endpoint security, your Service Provider account must have an active WatchGuard Endpoint Security license in its inventory.

To review the results of published multi-tenant tasks, on the Tasks page, click View Results. The Task Results page includes Client, Group, and Detections or Patches Installed columns.

Screen shot of Service Provider Endpoint Manager, Task results

To see individual task details, you must open the Endpoint Security management UI for the client account.

Scan tasks only affect client accounts and account groups with WatchGuard Advanced EPDR, EPDR, or EPP installed.

Patch installation tasks only affect client accounts and account groups with a Patch Management license on Windows and macOS endpoints. For information on patch installation options, go to Configure Patch Management Security Settings.

Automatic Adjustment of Task Recipients

Task management in the multi-tenant management UI for endpoint security synchronizes task creation, status changes, and task results with the Endpoint Security management UI for the managed account. As a Service Provider, when you select a managed account or account group as the recipient of a task, the endpoints that eventually run the task might differ from the account or account group you initially selected. This is because membership in groups is dynamic. This means that task recipients can change if group membership changes between the time when the task was created and the time when the task runs.

When membership in a group changes, the effects in the multi-tenant management UI and the endpoint security product installed on the network are different for unpublished and published tasks.

Unpublished Tasks

When you publish the task, WatchGuard Endpoint Security sends the task to the updated list of recipients.

Published Tasks

There are various scenarios to consider when you publish a task in the multi-tenant management UI and the recipients in an account group change.

Clients Added to a Group Assigned to a One-Time Scheduled Task

The task is not created for new clients.

Clients Added to a Group Assigned to a Recurring Scheduled Task

Changes made to the group members apply the next time the task runs. The clients that were added to the group receive the task in the Endpoint Security management UI.

Clients Added to a Group Assigned to a Canceled Task

The task is not created for the new clients. The canceled task does not run again.

Clients Added to a Group Assigned to an Unpublished Task

The task is created for the new clients and runs when scheduled.

Clients Removed from a Group Assigned to an In-Progress Task

The task added to the Endpoint Security management UI continues to run. The task is no longer associated with the multi-tenant management UI. The task is no longer read-only and the Service Provider label is removed in the Endpoint Security management UI.

Task results that were generated by clients that left the group are deleted from the multi-tenant management UI.

Clients Removed from a Group Assigned to an Unpublished or Canceled Task

The task and associated results (if any) are deleted from the Endpoint Security management UI.

Task results that were generated by clients that left the group are deleted from the multi-tenant management UI.

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About Multi-Tenant Management in WatchGuard Endpoint Security