Manage DNSWatch

You get access to the management interface for DNSWatch through the WatchGuard website. Log in to DNSWatch to monitor and manage your DNSWatch account from any browser.

For information about how to log in, go to Log In to DNSWatch.

DNSWatch Dashboard

When you first log in to DNSWatch, you see the DNSWatch Dashboard. This page shows a summary of recent DNS traffic, top domains, top networks, and monthly alerts. To return to the DNSWatch Dashboard from any other page, click the DNSWatch logo. Some of the dashboard items only appear when that feature is activated.

Recent DNS

The Recent DNS graph shows the number of DNS requests from networks and DNSWatchGO Clients for the last 24 hours. To view weekly reports of DNS traffic, click View Reports. For more information, go to View DNSWatch Weekly Reports.

DNSWatchGO Clients

The DNSWatchGO Clients section shows the number of active DNSWatchGO licenses and the date of your next license renewal. To view a list of deployed clients, click View Client Devices.

Top Domains

The Top Domains list shows the top 20 most requested domains in the past hour on protected networks. To view weekly reports of the top 20 most requested domains, click View Reports in the Recent DNS section, or select Report > DNS Weekly Reports. For more information, go to View DNSWatch Weekly Reports.

Top Networks

The Top Networks list shows the five most active networks based on DNS requests in the past day. To view the list of protected Fireboxes, click View Fireboxes. For more information, go to View Fireboxes Protected by DNSWatch.

Monthly Alerts

The Monthly Alerts section includes a summary of the number of monthly alerts for the past 30 days, by classification. To view a list of all alerts, click View All Alerts. For more information, go to Manage DNSWatch Alerts.


The options in the Deploy menu help you to deploy DNSWatch protection to endpoints and networks. You can also add Fireboxes with DNSWatch enabled to monitor traffic and manage alerts.

From the Deploy menu, you can:


Use the Configure menu to customize the behavior of DNSWatch. You can create content filter policies to block domains by categories or add domains to allow or deny individually. If you are not sure why a domain is blocked, you can search by domain for that information. You can also view the list of feeds used by DNSWatch.

From the Configure menu, you can:


The Report menu includes weekly reports that provide a history of DNS activity on your network. You can also search the DNS traffic history for queried domains.

From the Reports menu, you can:


To configure other DNSWatch settings, click your user name, and then select Settings.

The settings page has three groups of settings:

User Account Settings

Configure settings related to your user account.

  • Profile — Set the time zone associated with your user account.
  • Notifications — Configure whether you want to receive email notifications when alerts are generated.

DNSWatch Settings

Configure settings related to your DNSWatch account. These settings include:

  • DNSWatchGO Client — Download the DNSWatchGO Client installer and see your account API token. There are no configurable settings on this page. To view protected devices, select Report > DNSWatchGO Clients. For more information go to Download and Install DNSWatchGO Client.
  • Protected Networks — Manage your protected networks. On this page, you can view protected networks, as well as add and remove networks. For more information, go to About DNSWatchGO Protected Networks.
  • Protected Fireboxes — View a list of the protected Fireboxes. There are no configurable settings on this page. To enable DNSWatch for a Firebox you must enable the DNSWatch feature in the Firebox configuration. For more information, go to Enable DNSWatch on Your Firebox.
  • Security Block Page Content and Block Page Style — Customize the content and style of the page users see in the browser when DNSWatch denies access to a domain. For more information, go to Customize DNSWatch Block Pages.
  • Service Settings — Controls whether DNSWatch blocks DNS resolution to private IP addresses and whether users can clear the Share this domain check box. For more information, go to Configure DNSWatch Service Settings.

Team Settings

Users in your WatchGuard account are automatically added to your DNSWatch account the first time they log in through the WatchGuard website. For information about user management in the WatchGuard Cloud, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

DNSWatch Status

WatchGuard continuously monitors the status of DNSWatch and all its related services. To view information about DNSWatch uptime and the current status of DNSWatch components, including regional DNSWatch DNS Servers, click Status on the lower part of each DNSWatch page.

Related Topics

About WatchGuard DNSWatch

DNSWatch Reports

About DNSWatchGO Client

About DNSWatch on the Firebox