Send Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker Scan Results to WatchGuard

The web reputation authority service provided by Reputation Enabled Defense (RED) is deprecated. For more information, go to this Partner Blog post.

When you enable Reputation Enabled Defense, the default configuration allows your Firebox to send the results of local Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scans to WatchGuard servers. This action helps to improve Reputation Enabled Defense results for all Firebox users. If you have Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker, but do not have Reputation Enabled Defense, you can still send Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scan results to WatchGuard.

To see or change the feedback setting, select Subscription Services > Reputation Enabled Defense.

The Send encrypted scan results to WatchGuard servers to improve overall coverage and accuracy check box controls whether the Firebox sends results of Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scans to the WatchGuard servers. This check box is selected by default when you configure Reputation Enabled Defense.

  • Select this check box to send Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scan results to WatchGuard.
  • Clear this check box if you do not want to send Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scan results.

We recommend that you allow the Firebox to send Gateway AntiVirus and APT Blocker scan results to WatchGuard. This can help improve performance because the scan results help to improve the accuracy of the reputation scores. All feedback sent to the WatchGuard Reputation Enabled Defense service is encrypted.

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Configure Reputation Enabled Defense