Manage Certificates

Applies To: Cloud-managed Fireboxes

You can manage your account certificates and Firebox certificates for cloud-managed devices in WatchGuard Cloud.

You can perform these actions:

From the Subscriber view, you can manage certificates for your account or managed accounts in the Administration menu, or for your cloud-managed devices on the Device Configuration page.

View Certificates

To view the current list of certificates for your subscriber account, select Administration > Certificates.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have Account Administration permissions to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

To view device certificates, go to Configure > Devices > Device Configuration > Device Certificates.

Use the drop-down list to filter the display based on certificate type. To sort the list of certificates, click a column name.

Screen shot of the Certificates page in the Administration menu

The Certificates page includes these columns:

  • Name — Name of the certificate.
  • Status — Status of the certificate:
    • Signed — The certificate is valid and available for use.
    • Revoked — The certificate has been revoked through the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before the expiration date.
    • Expired — The certificate has expired.
    • Not yet valid — The certificate start date is in the future and is not the same date and time of the Firebox.
  • Subject — The subject name or identifier of the certificate.
  • Expiration — The expiration date of the certificate.
  • Type — The type of certificate.
  • Algorithm — The algorithm used by the certificate (EC, RSA, or DSS)
  • Device — The number of devices that have the certificate installed.

The Device column is only available when you access certificates at the account level.

  • Description — The description of the certificate.

To view certificate details, or to update the certificate name or description, select a certificate in the list.

Screen shot of the certificate details and update page

Add a Certificate

You can import a certificate from the Windows clipboard or from a file on your local computer. Certificates must be in Base64 PEM encoded format or PFX file format.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have Account Administration permissions to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

CSRs created for your account can only be imported at account level. CSRs created for a device can only be imported at device level.

Delete a Certificate

When you delete a certificate, you can no longer use the certificate for authentication. If you delete one of the automatically generated certificates, such as the self-signed certificate used by default for the proxy, your Firebox creates a new self-signed certificate for this purpose the next time it reboots. The device does not create a new self-signed certificate automatically if you have imported a different certificate.

The Proxy Authority certificate must not be deleted and the Firebox left with no certificate. The Firebox automatically replaces the missing certificate with a default certificate if the device restarts.

If you delete a trusted CA certificate for proxies, some security services might not work.

You cannot delete a certificate from the Firebox if it is used in a Branch Office VPN (BOVPN) IPSec tunnel configuration.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have Account Administration permissions to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

Export a Certificate

You can export a certificate for resigning by a trusted CA, or for distribution to clients on your network. The certificate is saved in PEM format.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have Devices permissions to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

Update a Certificate

You can edit the name and description fields of certificates in WatchGuard Cloud.

  • In the Administration menu, you can edit all certificate names and descriptions.
  • For devices, you can edit only certificates that are imported to devices. If you select a certificate on the Device Certificates page that was imported through the Administration menu, you can view the certificate details, but cannot edit the name or description.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have Account Administration and Devices permissions to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

To update the name or description of a certificate:

  1. Click the certificate name.
  2. Edit the name or description.

Screen shot of the Update Certificate page

  1. Click Save.

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

You can create a certificate signing request (CSR) from your Firebox with WatchGuard Cloud. To create a self-signed certificate, you add part of a cryptographic key pair in a CSR and send the request to a CA (Certificate Authority). The CA issues a certificate after the CA receives the CSR and verifies your identity.

For more information about how to create a certificate signing request, go to Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Configure the Firebox Web Server Certificate

The Firebox uses a default Web Server certificate for user connections to the Firebox, such as management connections.

When users connect to your Firebox with a web browser, they often see a security warning. This warning occurs because the default certificate is not trusted, or because the certificate is not the same IP address or domain name used by the Firebox for authentication. To configure the Firebox Web Server certificate, go to Configure the Web Server Certificate for Firebox Authentication.

You can also use a third-party or self-signed certificate that has the same IP address or domain name for user authentication. You must import that certificate on each client browser or device to prevent the security warnings. For more information on how to import and install a third-party Web Server certificate, go to Import and Install a Third-Party Web Server Certificate.

Related Topics

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Configure the Web Server Certificate for Firebox Authentication