PSInfo URL Checker

Applies To: WatchGuard Advanced EPDR, WatchGuard EPDR, WatchGuard EDR,WatchGuard EDR Core, WatchGuard EPP

From PSInfo, you can use the URL Checker tool to verify the connectivity of the URLs that your endpoint security product requires. The tool helps to determine whether any URLs do not communicate with the endpoint agent. Common scenarios are when communicate with the endpoint agent fails, or when antivirus does not send telemetry.

To check the connectivity URLs of your product:

  1. Run PSInfo.exe.
    The PSInfo dialog box opens.
  2. Select the Tools tab.

Screenshot of the PSInfo Tools UI

  1. Double-click URL Checker.
    The URL Checker dialog box opens.

Screenshot of the URL Checker dialog box

  1. (Optional) If you want to use a proxy, select the Use a Proxy Server check box. In the Address, Username, and Password text boxes, type your proxy server account credentials.
  2. Click Start.
    You can click Stop at any time to stop the tool.
  3. After the check completes, verify that each entry in the Detail column reports as OK.
  4. If the Detail column shows an issue, review the text in the Notes column for a possible cause.

Screenshot of the URL Checker dialog box

  1. When you finish, close the URL Checker dialog box.

Status Icons

URL Checker icons indicate the status of a communication URL. You can review the text in the Notes column for information about any issue that might show.

  • Screenshot of red x icon — Communication connection is unsuccessful.
  • Screenshot of green checkmark icon — Communication connection is successful.
  • Screenshot of yellow exclamation point icon — Communication connection is successful, but the communication is not as URL Checker expects. This usually occurs when headers or document bodies are different to the patterns that URL Checker expects.
  • Screenshot of blue communications icon — Communication connection is successful, but the communication pattern is different to what URL Checker expects. This usually occurs when a web server updates a requested document and the pattern is a different pattern to what URL Checker expects.
  • Screenshot of lock icon — Communication connection is successful, but the certificate chain fails.

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