Integrate Your Firebox with Autotask

You can configure your Firebox to integrate with Autotask, a professional service automation tool. This integration enables service providers to automatically synchronize customer asset information for more efficient device management and monitoring.

We recommend you upgrade to Fireware v12.5.3 or higher to support the latest Autotask API updates. Only an Autotask API User account can access Autotask API services and the Firebox Autotask integration. For more information and details on how to add an API User account, go to Autotask Integration and API User Accounts.

Autotask features include:

  • Auto Synchronization of Asset Information — Automatically synchronizes your Firebox asset information and the status of your security service subscription, which includes subscription start and end dates, device serial numbers, and OS versions.
  • Closed-Loop Ticketing of System, Security, and Subscription Events — Configure event thresholds for a wide range of parameters to automatically trigger the creation and closure of tickets, such as security services, device statistics, and subscription statuses. This feature eliminates ticket flooding and false alarms, and automatically closes tickets when issues are resolved. If an event occurs again, the same ticket is reopened so that you can track repeated occurrences of the same event. You can also configure the default priority of tickets.

Configure Autotask for Integration with Firebox

For instructions to help you create an Autotask API user account and configure Autotask for integration with your Firebox, go to About Autotask Integration and Configuration.

For more information or technical support about how to configure settings on the Autotask website, go to the Autotask documentation.

Configure the Autotask Settings on Your Firebox

You can configure the Autotask integration settings from Fireware Web UI or Policy Manager.

After you enable Autotask on your Firebox and save the configuration, Autotask automatically creates a Configuration Item object for the Firebox. Configuration Items are assets that you manage in Autotask. They are grouped by Product type in Autotask.

If you already have an existing configuration item for your Firebox in Autotask, you can select the Use existing Configuration Item option that searches for an existing Firebox configuration item based on the serial number of the Firebox. If you select Use existing Configuration Item, you must manually add the WatchGuard user-defined fields to your Autotask configuration to enable device monitoring.