Configure Subnets and Organizations

Applies To: ThreatSync+ NDR

A subnet is a smaller network created by the division of a larger network into equal parts. On the Manage Subnets page, you configure subnets and ranges of IP addresses to label your internal networks and important systems to help ThreatSync+ NDR identify rogue devices.

Internal systems that are not part of a subnet or IP range are identified as members of an Untrusted Private group.

Screen shot of Manage Subnets page, ThreatSync+ NDR

Configure Subnets in ThreatSync+ NDR

Create a subnet and ranges of IP addresses to label internal networks and important systems.

To configure a subnet, from WatchGuard Cloud:

  1. Select Configure > ThreatSync+ NDR.
  2. Click New Subnet.
  3. In the Create a Subnet section, enter the CIDR subnet range (for example, or the start and end of an IP address range (for example, and
    An end IP Address is required when you do not enter a CIDR subnet range.

Screen shot of Manage Subnets page, ThreatSync+ NDR, Create a Subnet

  1. In the Organization text box, enter a name for the address range.
    The organization name shows in other summary and detail pages.
  2. From the Device Type list, select a default device type and icon to used in the user interface for this range (for example, a computer, server, or gateway).
  3. In the Organization Tags text box, enter a label to further describe the system in the address range.
    Organization tags are useful to group assets.
  4. If the addresses in this range are allocated by your DHCP servers, select the Managed by DHCP check box.
    This helps improve network analytics.
  5. Click Save.
    The new subnet or IP address range shows in the list. You can filter the list and export the list to CSV file. To edit an existing IP address range or subnet, click next to the row you want to edit. Click to delete the IP address range or subnet.

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