Configure Portal Social Media Plug-Ins

Applies To: Wi-Fi Cloud-managed Access Points (AP125, AP225W, AP325, AP327X, AP420)

You can configure social media plug-ins for your captive portal that allow guest users to log in to your wireless network with a social media account. Supported platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and Okta. You can only configure the plug-ins that are selected for the portal.

When a guest user logs in to a captive portal, they use their social media credentials. Based on their opt-in or opt-out settings. you can also collect certain types of social media profile data for analytics reports.

About Default App IDs and How to Create Your Own Apps

You can use the WatchGuard default app IDs for some social media plug-in configurations. Due to compliance regulations, many social media vendors restrict the use of certain types of social media profile data for unapproved third-party apps.

To manage your own analytics data from the social media vendor, we recommend you create your own social media app and have the app approved by the social media vendor.

For more information on how to create apps for each social media plug-in, see Create Social Media Plug-In Apps.

Configure the Facebook Plug-In

Facebook has recently implemented new compliance requirements about the storage and use of opt-in demographic profile information (age and gender) collected from guest Wi-Fi users. This data will no longer be available from the Wi-Fi Cloud-managed Facebook app, and profile information such as age and gender will appear as "Unspecified" in Analyze reports.

To configure the Facebook plug-in, specify these options:

  • App ID — App ID provided by Facebook to communicate with the Facebook API.
  • App Secret — App secret that the portal uses to connect to the Facebook App.
  • Display Like Page — Indicates if the guests must "Like" your Facebook page when they authenticate using their Facebook account credentials. If selected, a notification with a Like button (a thumbs-up icon) is displayed requesting the user to Like the Facebook page. If you select this, the Likes check box under Extend User Profile Permissions is automatically selected. When guest users perform a Facebook Like from your captive portal, that data is recorded for social engagement analytics and reporting.
  • Like Page URL — The Facebook page that guests see and can "Like".
  • Extend User Profile Permissions— Indicates if you want to ask the guest user for permission to access additional information in their profile such as email address, birthday, and location. Select the check boxes for the information fields (Email address, Birthday, Likes, Location) that you want to request access for from the guest user.

    To obtain a guest user's likes, location, and birthday from their Facebook profile, you must select these options and submit the app for approval. The guest user's email address and basic profile information (first name, last name, and profile picture URL), can be fetched without having to obtain an approval for the Facebook app.

    Click Preview Like Page to preview the Like page to be seen by the guest.

Configure the Twitter Plug-In

To configure the Twitter plug-in, specify these options:

  • Consumer Key — Key provided by Twitter to communicate with the Twitter API.
  • Consumer Secret — The Secret that the portal uses to connect to Twitter.
  • Display Follow Page — Indicates if the guests must "follow you" on Twitter when they authenticate using their Twitter account credentials. If selected, a notification with a Follow button is displayed requesting the user to Follow the Twitter page. When guest users perform a Twitter Follow from your captive portal, that data is recorded for social engagement analytics and reporting.
  • Follow Page URL — The Twitter page that the guests can see and Follow.

Click Preview Follow Page to preview the Follow page to be seen by the guest.

Configure the LinkedIn Plug-In

To configure the LinkedIn plug-in, specify these options:

  • API Key — Client identification provided by LinkedIn to communicate with the LinkedIn API.
  • Secret Key — Secret that the portal uses to connect to LinkedIn.
  • Redirect URL — The URL of the page to which the guest user must be redirected to on successful login from the plug-in. The redirect URL set on the plug-in overrides the redirect URL set on the portal.
  • Display Follow Page — Whether the guests must "follow you" on LinkedIn when they authenticate using their LinkedIn account credentials. If selected, a notification with a Follow button is displayed requesting the user to follow the LinkedIn page.
  • Follow Page URL — The Follow page to be displayed to the guest.
  • Required User Profile Details — Select the additional user details you wish to select from the user profile on LinkedIn. The user is notified if they would like to share the requested information (basic and additional details). If the user denies the request, the login fails.

Configure the Foursquare Plug-In

To configure the Foursquare plug-in, specify these options:

  • Client ID — Identifier provided by Foursquare to communicate with the Foursquare application that uses OAuth 2.0 protocol to call Foursquare APIs.
  • Client Secret — Secret or passphrase that the portal uses to connect to and communicate securely with Foursquare.

Configure the Okta Plug-In

To configure the Okta plug-in, specify these options:

  • Client ID — Client ID provided by Okta to communicate with the Okta API.
  • Client Secret — Secret or passphrase that Analyze uses to connect to the Okta application.
  • Org Domain — The domain where the Okta application is hosted.

The security mode for your SSID with the captive portal enabled must be set to Open or WPA2-PSK to work correctly with Okta. This feature also supports two-factor authentication with Okta Verify.