Add Passwords to Your Vault
Applies To: AuthPoint Total Identity Security
The AuthPoint password manager is a legacy feature that is only available to accounts that purchased Total Identity Security before 1 October 2024. Accounts that purchased AuthPoint Total Identity Security after that date do not include the password manager. For more information, go to End of Availability for the AuthPoint Password Manager.
To add a new password to your password vault:
- Open the AuthPoint browser extension or AuthPoint mobile app and log in to your password vault.
- Open the menu and select Passwords.
- Click Add Password.
- From the Vault drop-down list, select whether you want these credentials to appear in the Corporate list or the Private list in your password vault. This helps you organize your passwords.
- In the Title text box, enter a name to identify these credentials.
- In the URL text box, enter the URL of the website that these credentials are for. We recommend that you specify the URL for the login page.
- In the User Login text box, enter the user name or email address that you use to log in.
- In the Password text box, enter the password that you use to log in. To learn if the password you specified has been exposed in a data breach, click Check Password. To automatically generate a secure password, click Generate Password. When you generate a password:
- You can select length and character requirements for the generated password.
- To generate a new password, click
- To use the generated password, click Use Password.
- Enter any relevant notes about this account. For example, you might add notes to help you to remember the answers to security questions.
- To pin this account to the top of your Passwords list, select the Favorite Password check box.
- To allow AuthPoint to log you in with these credentials when you open the password, select the Enable automatic login check box.
- Click Save.
When you edit a password, you can see the date the password was created and the date the password was last updated.
See Also
Import and Export Existing Passwords to Your Vault