About RapidDeploy Passphrases
When you enable RapidDeploy for a Firebox, you set the passphrases for the two built-in Device Management user accounts that you use to connect to and manage your device.
Status passphrase
This is the passphrase for the default status Device Management user account. The status user account is assigned the Device Monitor role and has read-only permissions.
Configuration passphrase
This is the passphrase for the default admin Device Management user account. The admin user account is assigned the Device Administrator role, which has read-write permissions that allow an administrator full access to the device.
The passphrases you set when you enable RapidDeploy must be at least 8 characters. To create a secure passphrase, we recommend that you:
- Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters, numbers, and special characters (for example, Im4e@tiN9).
- Do not use a word from standard dictionaries, even if you use it in a different sequence or in a different language.
- Do not use a name. It is easy for an attacker to find a business name, familiar name, or the name of a famous person.
When the Firebox downloads the RapidDeploy configuration file, the Firebox changes the management passphrases to the passphrases you set when you enabled RapidDeploy. The Firebox uses the new passphrases even if it rejects an incompatible configuration file.