RIPng Commands (FRR)

To create or modify a routing configuration file, you must use the correct routing commands. This topic includes a list of example RIPng routing commands.

In Fireware v12.9 or higher, Fireware uses the Free Range Routing (FRR) routing engine, which replaces Quagga. If your configuration includes Quagga commands for dynamic routing, those commands work after you upgrade. Some FRR commands appear in a different section than in Quagga.

For RIPng code samples, go to Sample RIPng Routing Configuration File (FRR).

To configure RIPng , go to Configure IPv6 Routing with RIPng.

Fireware v12.8.x or lower uses the Quagga routing software suite. For a list of example Quagga commands, see OSPF Commands (Quagga).

Example RIPng Commands (FRR in Fireware v12.9 or Higher)

This list includes example FRR commands that you might include in your RIPng configuration. For a complete list of FRR commands, go to the FRRouting User Guide.

The sections must appear in the configuration file in the same order they appear in this table.

Section Command Description
Configure RIPng routing daemon, interfaces, and networks. Distribute routes to RIPng peers and inject OSPF or BGP routes to RIPng routing table.
  router ripng Enable RIPng
  default-information originate Share route of last resort (default route) with RIPng peers
  network [A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H/M] Enable RIPng on the specified network
  network eth[N] Enable RIPng on the specified interface
  passive-interface eth[N] Set the specified interface to passive mode
  distribute-list [ACCESS-LIST] (in|out) eth[N] m. The parameter in or out specifies whether the access list applies to incoming or outgoing packets on the specified interface.
  distribute-list prefix [PREFIX-LIST] (in|out) eth[N] Enable RIPng to use the specified prefix list to filter the RIPng path. The parameter in or out specifies whether the prefix list applies to incoming or outgoing packets on the specified interface.
  route [A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H/M] Enable RIPng static route announcements for the specified IPv6 network
  redistribute static Redistribute firewall static routes to RIPng peers
  redistribute static route-map [MAPNAME] Redistribute static routes, with a route map filter (mapname)
  redistribute connected Redistribute routes from all interfaces to RIPng peers
  redistribute connected route-map [MAPNAME] Redistribute routes from all interfaces to RIPng peers, with a route map filter (mapname)
  redistribute ospf6 Redistribute routes from OSPFv3 to RIPng
  redistribute ospf6 route-map [MAPNAME] Redistribute routes from OSPFv3 to RIPng, with a route map filter (mapname)
  redistribute bgp Redistribute routes from BGP to RIPng
  redistribute bgp route-map [MAPNAME] Redistribute routes from BGP to RIPng, with a route map filter (mapname)
  default-metric <METRIC> Set the default metric value for redistributed routes. The metric must be an integer from 1 to 16.
Configure route redistribution filters with route maps and access lists
  ipv6 access-list [ACCESS-LIST] [PERMIT|DENY] [A,B,C,D/M | ANY] Create an access list to allow or deny redistribution of only one IP address or for all IP addresses
  ipv6 prefix-list [PREFIX-LIST] [PERMIT|DENY] [A,B,C,D/M | ANY] Create a prefix list with a name
  route-map [MAPNAME] permit [N] Create a route map with a name and allow with a priority of N
  match interface eth[N] Match the specified interface

Related Topics

About Routing Information Protocol (RIP and RIPng)

Configure IPv6 Routing with RIPng