About Sample Routing Configuration Files

To use any of the dynamic routing protocols with Fireware, you must import or type a dynamic routing configuration file for the routing daemon you choose. This configuration file includes information such as a password and log file name. To see sample configuration files for each of the routing protocols, see these topics:

Free Range Routing (Fireware v12.9 or Higher)

In Fireware v12.9 or higher, Fireware uses the Free Range Routing (FRR) routing engine, which replaces Quagga. If your configuration includes Quagga commands for dynamic routing, those commands work after you upgrade. Some FRR commands appear in a different section than in Quagga.

Quagga (Fireware v12.8.x or Lower)

In Fireware v12.8.x or lower, Fireware uses the Quagga routing software suite v1.2.4, which supports most routing commands available in more recent versions of Quagga.

Notes about configuration files:

  • The ! and # characters are inserted before comments, which are lines of text in configuration files that explain the function of the commands that follow them. If the first character of a line is a comment character, then the rest of the line is interpreted as a comment.
  • You can use the word no at the beginning of the line to disable a command.
    For example, no network area disables the backbone area on the specified network.

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About Dynamic Routing