Manually Distribute and Install the Mobile VPN with SSL Client Software and Configuration File

If your users cannot download the client software from the Firebox or the WatchGuard website, you can give them the client software and configuration file:

  • To download the Mobile VPN with SSL client software, go to the WatchGuard website.
  • To get and distribute the configuration file, use the steps in this topic.

In Fireware v12.11 and higher, the Mobile VPN with SSL client download page is removed from the Firebox.

For client computer requirements, go to Download, Install, and Connect the Mobile VPN with SSL Client.

Get the Configuration File from the Firebox

The Mobile VPN with SSL configuration file is in the support.tgz file you can download from your Firebox.

To get the Mobile VPN with SSL configuration file, from Firebox System Manager:

  1. Select the Status Report tab and click Support.
  2. Choose a location to save the support.tgz file and click Retrieve.
  3. Extract the contents of support.tgz to a folder on your computer.

In the support.tgz file created by Firebox System Manager, the Mobile VPN with SSL configuration file is:


To get the Mobile VPN with SSL configuration file, from Fireware Web UI:

  1. Select System Status > Diagnostics.
  2. Click Download a Support Log File.
  3. Extract the contents of the support.tgz file to a folder on your computer.

In the support.tgz file created by Fireware Web UI, the Mobile VPN with SSL configuration file is: 


Install and Configure the SSL Client Using the Installation Software and a Configuration File

You must have two files:

  • Mobile VPN with SSL VPN client installation software
    WG-MVPN-SSL.exe (Microsoft Windows) or WG-MVPN-SSL.dmg (macOS)
  • Mobile VPN with SSL VPN configuration file

For Microsoft Windows:

  1. Double-click WG-MVPN-SSL.exe.
    The Mobile VPN with SSL client Setup Wizard starts.
  2. Accept the default settings on each screen of the wizard.
  3. If you want to add a desktop icon or a Quick Launch icon, select the check box for that option.
    A desktop or Quick Launch icon is not required. The client icon is added to the Windows Start menu by default.
  4. Finish and exit the wizard.
  5. Use one of these three methods to start the client software:
    • From the Start Menu, select All Programs > WatchGuard > Mobile VPN with SSL client > Mobile VPN with SSL client.
      The client installer starts.
    • Double-click the Mobile VPN with SSL client icon on the desktop.
    • Click the Mobile VPN with SSL client icon in the Quick Launch toolbar.
  6. Double-click sslvpn-client.wgssl to configure the Mobile VPN with SSL client software.

For macOS:

  1. Double-click WG-MVPN-SSL.dmg.
    A volume named WatchGuard Mobile VPN is created on the desktop.
  2. In the WatchGuard Mobile VPN volume, double-click WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL Installer V15.mpkg.
    The client installer starts.
  3. Accept the default settings in the installer.
  4. Finish and exit the installer.
  5. Start the client software. Open a Finder window and go to Applications > WatchGuard.
  6. Double-click the WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL application.
    The WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL logo appears in the menu bar.
  7. Double-click sslvpn-client.wgssl to configure the Mobile VPN with SSL client software.

Update the Configuration of a Computer that is Unable to Connect to the Firebox

You must have an updated sslvpn-client.wgssl file. For information on how to get the sslvpn-client.wgssl file, see Get the configuration file from the Firebox.

  1. Double-click sslvpn-client.wgssl.
    The SSL client starts.
  2. Type your user name and password. Click Connect.

The SSL VPN connects with the new settings.

Related Topics

About Mobile VPN with SSL

Plan Your Mobile VPN with SSL Configuration

Troubleshoot Mobile VPN with SSL

Mobile VPN with SSL client silent installation