サンプル OSPFv3 ルーティング構成ファイル
!! セクション 1:インターフェイス プロパティを構成します。
! Set properties for interface eth1.
! interface eth1
! ! Set link cost to 1000 (1-65535) on interface eth1.
! ipv6 ospf6 cost 1000
!! Set hello interval to 5 seconds (1-65535); default is 10 seconds.
! ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval 5
! ! Set dead-interval to 15 seconds (1-65535); default is 40 seconds.
! ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval 15
! ! Set interval between link-state advertisements (LSA) retransmissions to 10 seconds (1-65535); default is 5 seconds.
! ipv6 ospf retransmit-interval 10
!! Set LSA update interval to 3 seconds (1-3600); default is 1 second.
! ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay 3
! ! Set high priority (0-255) to increase eligibility to become the designated router (DR).
! ipv6 ospf6 priority 255
! ! Disable OSPF announcement on interface eth0
! ipv6 ospf6 passive
!! セクション 2:SFPv3 を起動しデーモン プロパティを設定します。
! Enable OSPFv3 daemon. Must be enabled for all OSPF configurations.
! router ospf6
!! Set the router ID manually to If not set, the firewall will set its own ID based on an interface IP address.
! router-id
!! セクション 3:ネットワークとエリア プロパティを設定します。Set areas with W.X.Y.Z or Z notation.
! Bind interface eth1 to area and send OSPF packet.
! interface eth1 area
! !Redistribute static routes to OSPFv3.
! redistribute static
! ! Redistribute routes from all interfaces to OSPFv3.
! redistribute connected
! redistribute connected route-map MAPNAME
!!Redistribute routes from RIPng and BGP to OSPFv3.
! redistribute ripng
! redistribute bgp
!! セクション 4: prefix-list ルート マップによるルート再分配フィルタの構成
! Create an IPv6 prefix-list to only allow redistribution of 3000::/64.
! ipv6 prefix-list LISTNAME permit 3000::/64
! ipv6 prefix-list LISTNAME deny any
! ! Create a route map with name MAPNAME and allow with a priority of 10 (1-199).
! route-map MAPNAME permit 10
! match ipv6 address prefix-list LISTNAME