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3 tips from our Internet Security Report on how to protect your network

More and more companies are realizing the importance of a unified cybersecurity system to shield against threats. Perhaps that's why cyberattacks on the network are becoming less common, dropping by almost 80% this quarter, according to our latest Internet Security Report (ISR). Even so, for SMBs, despite progress shown in adopting cybersecurity systems, the sheer volume of malware, as well as its rapid ability to change and evolve, poses a danger to company network systems.

How to protect your network from potential attacks 

Our Internet Security Report provides greater insight into how the different types of attacks behave and highlights the best methods to protect against them. When combined with a unified protection system, taking the following 3 steps helps strengthen your business's systems against attacks: 

  • Patch web applications: cybercriminals are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable web pages where they can host malware. These attacks can be difficult to detect without constant monitoring of page status. Specifically, during this quarter, we have detected several WordPress websites compromised as they failed to update their pages. However, regular reviews that keep security software up to date and apply the latest solutions to fill security gaps can resolve this issue.
  • Avoid EOL software: when we talk about EOL (end of life) in software, we’re referring to product expiry. Despite being more affordable, many solutions can only take a specific number of updates and become obsolete after a period of time. This poses a serious risk for companies, as it creates a breach within the overall cybersecurity system. In fact, according to our ISR, one of the main applications attacked this quarter was an open-source system that had not been maintained since 2018. This is why we recommend replacing any older systems before their expiration date, as well as implementing additional security controls and monitoring to avoid a breach if they need to be maintained.
  • Inspect HTTPS encrypted traffic: Once again, major malware trends highlight the importance of inspecting HTTPS encrypted traffic. According to our research, more than 95% of malware hides behind encrypted webs.  Moreover, these types of attacks tend to be more evasive than those routed through unencrypted channels, making detection of malicious agents more complicated, so it is highly advisable to monitor and inspect encrypted website channel security as part of system security maintenance and endpoint protection. 

If you would like to learn more about the importance of network security systems and the benefits that a unified cybersecurity system can deliver to your business, check out the following blog posts: