Trust Center

Garantia de confiabilidade em cibersegurança

Bem-vindos ao WatchGuard’s Trust Center. A responsabilidade é um dos nossos valores principais e estamos comprometidos com a transparência de nossas práticas operacionais. Esta página permite que você encontre facilmente informações sobre políticas específicas e status de desempenho de produto, bem como práticas de conformidade da empresa que refletem a confiabilidade e o compromisso da WatchGuard com clientes e parceiros.

Product Status Dashboard

Product Status Page

Get updates on our security systems and check periodically to verify WatchGuard services, product performance, or any potential interruptions.

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Security Advisories list screenshot


The Product Security Incident Response Team tracks and manages security events that could impact our infrastructure to ensure that a timely response plan is in place when needed.

View Security Advisory List >

Hands on a keyboard with a blue checkmark inside a white shield icon floating in front
Person typing on a keyboard with legal icons floating in front of it including scales and a court building
WatchGuard products stacked in front of a screenshot from WatchGuard Cloud
Hand in a glove picking up an empty water bottle from a beach

Social Responsibility

We are committed to creating a positive environment for our employees, partners, customers, and community at large so they have a superior experience in their dealings with WatchGuard.

Connect with Our Values >