História de Sucesso do Parceiro - BoxTechs, LLC

MSP Offers Solutions to Address a Wide Variety of Security Concerns with WatchGuard


For small and midsize businesses, BoxTechs, LLC is a managed service provider (MSP) that delivers a variety of network and computer consulting and services to their customers in all private industries. The certified staff at BoxTechs has many years of computing expertise in networking, database design and administration, web technologies, custom programming, Internet security, and internal network security solutions. Additionally, the certified staff at BoxTechs, LLC can help with hardware services, including network and phone cabling, PC and server hardware troubleshooting and repair, printer maintenance, and network backbone installation and maintenance. BoxTechs is the one-stop shop for all IT needs in their small and midsize customer base.

Having been a WatchGuardONE partner since 2017 with Gold status in the program, BoxTechs knows that security is becoming increasingly important for their customers’ businesses. With WatchGuard, BoxTechs is able to address a wide variety of security concerns. “Security is paramount. And as time marches on, phishing and hacking attacks become increasingly common. We are thankful that we use WatchGuard’s products and services to ensure our business and customers are protected from the latest attack,” remarks James Chapman, Owner of BoxTechs.


With WatchGuard’s full security portfolio, BoxTechs offers products and services to their customers with the help of advanced security protection in the Total Security Suite. Network security, Wi-Fi and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are at the forefront of their offering to their customers. Additionally, both the ease of deployment and WatchGuard support they receive has greatly attributed to their success as an MSP.

James explains, “WatchGuard products have helped our company with the security threats that exist today. We sell WatchGuard Firebox appliances, access points and AuthPoint MFA in order to help keep our customers’ networks safe. Plus, all the solutions we sell to our customers are easy to deploy, making customer deployments a breeze for us. The array of tools and support provided by WatchGuard have helped to simplify our business model, most specifically in the MSP space.”


BoxTechs can grow their business and offer the most advanced security to their customers with the help of WatchGuard’s products and services. From simplifying their business model to offering advanced security protection, BoxTechs has many benefits as a WatchGuardONE partner. Furthermore, the support that BoxTechs receives as a WatchGuardONE partner has been helpful and readily available. “We are in constant communication with our support team at WatchGuard. They are always very supportive. Combining this with the WatchGuard solutions helps us to not only grow our business but deliver the most advanced security for our customers,” James reflects.