DLP Rules version 5.26
Index | Name | Region | Tags | Description | Default Quantity | |||||
1 | Postal addresses [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and zip or postcode are provided. Countries supported: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa & Sweden | 10 | |||||
2 | Postal addresses [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
3 | Postal addresses [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
4 | Postal addresses [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
5 | Postal addresses [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address or post code are provided. | 10 | |||||
6 | Postal addresses [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
7 | Postal addresses [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the room number, building name, street number and street name of the address are provided. | 10 | |||||
8 | Postal addresses [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
9 | Postal addresses [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and zip or postcode are provided. | 100 | |||||
10 | Postal addresses [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
11 | Postal addresses [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and zip are provided. | 10 | |||||
12 | International Bank Account Numbers [Global] | Global | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 3 | |||||
13 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Global] | Global | Financial Data | A combination of bank routing numbers (including American Banking Association routing transit number and European sort codes) and qualifying terms (e.g."sort code","RTN","routing"). Countries supported: Australia, Brazil Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, New Zealand | 10 | |||||
14 | State driver's licenses [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | USA state driver's license details. For distinctive license formats matches on driver's number only. Otherwise requires a relevant state name or "driver licence" string near a driver's license number. | 10 | |||||
15 | Driver's licenses with qualifying terms [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of driver's license IDs and qualifying terms such as DOB, name, height and weight commonly found on licenses. Countries supported: USA | 10 | |||||
16 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national identification or insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). Countries supported: Australia, Brazil Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa | 10 | |||||
17 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national identification or insurance codes, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). Countries supported: Australia, Brazil Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa | 10 | |||||
18 | National identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | National identification or insurance codes near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). Countries supported: Australia, Brazil Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, New Zealand | 10 | |||||
19 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including tax file numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
20 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including tax file numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
21 | Tax file numbers near personally identifiable information [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | Tax file numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
22 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including social insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
23 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Canada] | Canada | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including social insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
24 | Social insurance numbers near personally identifiable information [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Social insurance numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
25 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including social insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
26 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Germany] | Germany | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including social insurance numbers (sozialversicherungsnummer), postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
27 | Social insurance numbers near personally identifiable information [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | Social insurance numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
28 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including fiscal identification numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
29 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Spain] | Spain | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including fiscal identification numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
30 | Fiscal identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Fiscal identification numbers numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
31 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including INSEE numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
32 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [France] | France | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including INSEE numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
33 | Combination of personally identifiable information [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of INSEE numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
34 | INSEE numbers near to personally identifiable information [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | INSEE numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
35 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
36 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
37 | National identity numbers near personally identifiable information [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | National identity numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
38 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including personal public service numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
39 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Ireland] | Ireland | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including personal public service numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
40 | Personal public service numbers near personally identifiable information [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | Personal public service numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
41 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including fiscal code numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
42 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Italy] | Italy | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including fiscal code numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
43 | Fiscal code numbers near personally identifiable information [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | Fiscal code numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
44 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
45 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [UK] | UK | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
46 | National insurance numbers near personally identifiable information [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | National insurance numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
47 | Bank account details with personally identifiable information [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details with other types of personally identifiable information (including social security numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, Driver's Licenses and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
48 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [USA] | USA | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including social security numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, driver's licenses and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
49 | Social security numbers near personally identifiable information [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Social security numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, driver's licenses and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
50 | Moderately sensitive content marker [Global] | Global | Document classification | Moderately sensitive content marker: "CTRL:X" | 1 | |||||
51 | Sensitive content marker [Global] | Global | Document classification | Sensitive content marker: "CTRL:XX" | 1 | |||||
52 | Highly sensitive content marker [Global] | Global | Document classification | Highly sensitive content marker: "CTRL:XXX" | 1 | |||||
53 | Confidential document markers [Global] | Global | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:- "Top Secret" "??????" "Apenas para Uso Interno" "streng geheim" | 2 | |||||
54 | Confidential document markers [Australia] | Australia | Document classification | Confidential document markers :"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
55 | Confidential document markers [Canada] | Canada | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Privilégié","Confidentiel Défense","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
56 | Confidential document markers [Germany] | Germany | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"vertraulich", "geheim","streng geheim","nicht für die Öffentlichkeit","sensible Daten" | 2 | |||||
57 | Confidential document markers [Spain] | Spain | Document classification | Confidential document markers :"secreto", "confidencial", "privilego" | 2 | |||||
58 | Confidential document markers [France] | France | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidentiel","Secret Défense","Confidentiel Défense","Informations confidentielles","Informations internes","Ne pas diffuser" | 2 | |||||
59 | Confidential document markers [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Restricted","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
60 | Confidential document markers [Ireland] | Ireland | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
61 | Confidential document markers [Italy] | Italy | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidenziale", "Segreto", "Riservato", "Strettamente confidenziale" | 2 | |||||
62 | Confidential document markers [UK] | UK | Document classification | Confidential document markers :"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
63 | Confidential document markers [USA] | USA | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as: "Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
64 | Email addresses [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Email address format. | 20 | |||||
65 | Ethnicity terms [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Terms used to describe ethnicity. | 10 | |||||
66 | Ethnicity terms [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Terms used to describe ethnicity. | 10 | |||||
67 | Ethnicity terms [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Terms used to describe ethnicity. | 10 | |||||
68 | National identification numbers with qualifying terms [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national identity or insurance number formats and qualifying terms. Countries supported: Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa & Sweden | 10 | |||||
69 | Tax file numbers [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of one or more of the following "Tax File Number" (TFN) formats with a valid checksum digit:- - Three groups of three digits e.g. "123 456 782" or "123-456-782". - A phrase such as "TFN" followed shortly by nine digits (e.g. "123456782"). | 10 | |||||
70 | Social insurance numbers [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | Social insurance numbers (Sozialversicherungsnummer). | 10 | |||||
71 | Social insurance numbers with qualifying terms [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of social insurance numbers (Sozialversicherungsnummer) and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
72 | Fiscal identification numbers [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Fiscal identification numbers (Número de Identificación Fiscal) numbers. | 10 | |||||
73 | Fiscal identification numbers with qualifying terms [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of fiscal identification numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
74 | INSEE numbers [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | INSEE social security numbers. With older products detection may require a qualifying term to be present. | 10 | |||||
75 | National identity card [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | National identity card. | 10 | |||||
76 | National identity card with qualifying terms [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national identity cards and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
77 | Personal public service numbers [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | Personal public service numbers. | 10 | |||||
78 | Personal public service numbers with qualifying terms [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of personal public service numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
79 | Fiscal code numbers [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | Fiscal code (codice fiscale) numbers. | 10 | |||||
80 | Fiscal code numbers with qualifying terms [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of fiscal code (codice fiscale) numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
81 | National insurance numbers [UK] | UK | UK National Health Service | National insurance numbers. | 10 | |||||
82 | National insurance numbers with qualifying terms [UK] | UK | UK National Health Service | A combination of national insurance numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
83 | Social Security Numbers with qualifying terms [USA] | USA | HIPAA | A combination of USA Social Security Numbers and qualifying terms such as:- - "SSN" - "Social Security Number" - "Employee" Detects on a qualifying phrase plus a quantity of either:- - Formatted SSN e.g. "123-45-6789" - Qualifying phrase followed soon after by a 9 digit number sequence e.g. "SSN number is 123456789" | 10 | |||||
84 | Social Security Numbers [USA] | USA | HIPAA | USA Social Security Numbers either:- - Formatted SSN e.g. "123-45-6789" - Qualifying phrase followed soon after by a 9 digit number sequence e.g. "SSN number is 123456789" | 10 | |||||
85 | Passport details [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Passport number and qualifying phrases. Countries supported: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, USA | 5 | |||||
86 | Telephone numbers [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers using local and international number formats. Countries supported: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden. Detection may be based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 10 | |||||
87 | Telephone numbers [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Australia (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
88 | Telephone numbers [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Canada (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 10 | |||||
89 | Telephone numbers [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Germany (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format or full international dialing format. Ignores free-phone and other specialist numbers. | 100 | |||||
90 | Telephone numbers [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Spain (including area code).Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
91 | Telephone numbers [France] | France | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for France (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
92 | Telephone numbers [Hong Kong] | Hong Kong | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for HK (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
93 | Telephone numbers [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Ireland (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
94 | Telephone numbers [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Italy (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
95 | Telephone numbers [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for UK (including area code).Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
96 | Telephone numbers [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for US (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 10 | |||||
97 | Credit or debit card numbers with qualifying terms [Global] | Global | PCI DSS | A combination of credit or debit card numbers from leading suppliers (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Maestro, Solo, Switch) and qualifying terms (e.g."csv","expiry date","valid from","issue"). Countries supported: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, USA. Detection is based on credit or debit card number validated using the Luhn algorithm. | 10 | |||||
98 | Credit or debit card numbers [Global] | Global | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers from leading suppliers, e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Maestro, Solo, Switch, AMEX. Gateway and V10 (and higher) endpoint agent: the number is validated by the Luhn checksum. V9.x endpoint agent: the detection is based on supplier name followed by credit or debit card number. | 10 | |||||
99 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national identification or insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, driver's licenses and email addresses. Countries supported: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Singapore, Spain, UK, USA, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden | 10 | |||||
100 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of tax file numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
101 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of social insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
102 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Germany] | Germany | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of social insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
103 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of fiscal identification numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
104 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Ireland] | Ireland | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of personal public service numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
105 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Italy] | Italy | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of codice fiscale numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
106 | Combination of personally identifiable information [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
107 | Combination of personally identifiable information [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of social security numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, driver's licenses and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
108 | Social insurance numbers [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | Social insurance (SIN) numbers. Gateway and V10 (and higher) endpoint agent: The nine digit number is validated by checksum V9.x endpoint agent: Is a match for the nine digit number with no qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
109 | Social insurance numbers with qualifying terms [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of social insurance numbers (SIN) and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
110 | Postal addresses [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
111 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including inland revenue department numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
112 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [New Zealand] | New Zealand | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including inland revenue department numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
113 | Combination of personally identifiable information [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of inland revenue department numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
114 | Inland revenue department numbers near personally identifiable information [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | Inland revenue department numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
115 | Confidential document markers [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Document classification | Confidential document markers :"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
116 | Inland revenue department numbers with qualifying terms [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of inland revenue department numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
117 | Telephone numbers [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for New Zealand (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
118 | CUSIP identifier [Global] | USA | Financial Data | CUSIP identifier for North American based equity and fixed income securities. Excludes foreign market trades (SIN), TBA, Options, Private Placements (PPN) and Syndicated Loans. Excludes number ranges for internal use, non-security assets & internal assets. | 10 | |||||
119 | Postal addresses [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
120 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
121 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Singapore] | Singapore | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
122 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of tax file numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
123 | National identity numbers near personally identifiable information [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | National identity numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
124 | Confidential document markers [Singapore] | Singapore | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
125 | National registration identity card [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | National registration identity card. | 10 | |||||
126 | National registration identity card with qualifying terms [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national registration identity card and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
127 | Telephone numbers [Singapore] | Singapore | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Singapore (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
128 | Credit card magnetic track 1 | Global | PCI DSS | Credit card magnetic track 1 | 10 | |||||
129 | Credit card magnetic track 2 | Global | PCI DSS | Credit card magnetic track 2 | 10 | |||||
130 | National Provider Identifier (NPI) [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) The 10 digit number is validated by checksum and can be prefixed by 80840 | 10 | |||||
131 | NHS number personal identifier [UK] | UK | UK National Health Service | A 10 digit number used to identify a person uniquely within the NHS in England and Wales. GateWay agent uses a checksum to validate the number. | 10 | |||||
132 | Telephone numbers [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for India (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
133 | Postal addresses [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
134 | Permanent account number [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | Permanent account number. | 10 | |||||
135 | Permanent account number with qualifying terms [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of permanent account numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
136 | Confidential document markers [India] | India | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
137 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including permanent account numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
138 | Permanent account numbers near personally identifiable information [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | Permanent account numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
139 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [India] | India | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including permanent account numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
140 | Combination of personally identifiable information [India] | India | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of permanent account numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
141 | Prescribable treatment phrases [Global] | USA | HIPAA | Prescribable substance, pharmaceutical or treatment names and descriptions such as found in the ICD-9-PCS & ICD-10-PCS "Procedure Coding System" classifications or in the FDA recognised pharmaceutical prescription items and other treatment lexicons. Detection is not based on code numbering systems. | 10 | |||||
142 | National insurance numbers [Indonesia] | Indonesia | Personally Identifiable Information | National insurance numbers (nomor induk kependudukan) for Indonesia. | 10 | |||||
143 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Australia] | Australia | Financial Data | Bank State Branch (BSB) codes for Australia and New Zealand | 10 | |||||
144 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Canada] | Canada | Financial Data | Canadian Payments Association routing numbers and qualifying terms | 10 | |||||
145 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Germany] | Germany | Financial Data | German bank sort codes near qualifying terms | 10 | |||||
146 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [New Zealand] | New Zealand | Financial Data | Bank State Branch (BSB) codes for Australia and New Zealand | 10 | |||||
147 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [UK] | UK | Financial Data | United Kingdom bank sort codes | 10 | |||||
148 | Bank routing numbers [USA] | USA | Financial Data | American Banking Association Routing Transit Numbers (RTN) | 10 | |||||
149 | Pharmaceutical companies [USA] | USA | HIPAA | FDA recognised pharmaceutical firms | 10 | |||||
150 | Medical patient forms [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Patient related HIPAA medical forms | 10 | |||||
151 | Protected health information (PHI) related terms [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Terms common within Protected Health Information including terms related to: names, patient identifiers, doctor identifiers, dates (including "date of birth", "admission date") , health plans and medical records. | 1 | |||||
152 | Drug Enforcement Administration number [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Unique 9-digit identification DEA number (aka DEAN) assigned to a health care provider allowing them to write prescriptions for controlled substances. | 10 | |||||
153 | Driver's licence [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | State and territories driver's licence details. Matches "driver licence" strings near a driver's license number. Countries supported: Australia | 10 | |||||
154 | Driver's licence qualifying terms [Australia] | Australia | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of driver's licence related qualifying terms such as DOB, and expiry date commonly found on licenses. Countries supported: Australia | 10 | |||||
155 | Fiscal identification numbers for businesses [Spain] | Spain | Personally Identifiable Information | Fiscal identification numbers (Número de Identificación Fiscal) numbers for businesses. | 10 | |||||
156 | Ailment, disease and diagnosis phrases [Global] | USA | HIPAA | Diagnosis names and descriptions such as found in the ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM "Clinical Modification" classifications or in the "International Classification of Sleep Disorders" (ICSD) and other diagnostic lexicons. Detection is not based on code numbering systems. | 3 | |||||
157 | Personal health card number, British Columbia [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number for the province of British Columbia. | 1 | |||||
158 | Personal health card number, British Columbia near date of birth [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Date stamp in common format near personal health card number for the province of British Columbia. | 1 | |||||
159 | Personal health card number, British Columbia with qualifying terms [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number for the province of British Columbia and qualifying terms. | 1 | |||||
160 | Personal health card number, Ontario [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number (with AA extension) for the province of Ontario. | 1 | |||||
161 | Personal health card number, Ontario near date of birth [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Date stamp in common format near personal health card number for the province of Ontario. | 1 | |||||
162 | Personal health card number, Ontario with qualifying terms [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number for the province of Ontario and qualifying terms. | 1 | |||||
163 | Personal health card number, Quebec [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number for the province of Quebec. | 1 | |||||
164 | Personal health card number, Quebec near date of birth [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Date stamp in common format near personal health card number for the province of Quebec. | 1 | |||||
165 | Personal health card number, Quebec with qualifying terms [Canada] | Canada | Canadian Health Service | Personal health card number for the province of Quebec and qualifying terms. | 1 | |||||
166 | Telephone numbers [Brazil] | Brazil | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Brazil (local, regional & internation formats) | 100 | |||||
167 | Confidential document markers [Brazil] | Brazil | Document classification | Confidential document markers :"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
168 | National identification numbers [Brazil] | Brazil | Personally Identifiable Information | Brazilian National Identication numbers including the national 'Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas' (CPF), 'Registro Geral' (RG), 'Registro de Identidade Civil' (RIC) and driving licence 'Carteira Nacional de Habilitação' (CNH) | 10 | |||||
169 | Employer Identification Number [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Unique 9-digit identification number assigned by the IRS to companies and qualifying terms. | 1 | |||||
170 | Postal addresses [Brazil] | Brazil | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses and or postcodes within Brazil | 10 | |||||
171 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Brazil] | Brazil | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
172 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Brazil] | Brazil | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
173 | National identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Brazil] | Brazil | Personally Identifiable Information | Forms of national identification number (RG,CNH,CPF,RIC or CIE) near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national insurance numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
174 | Social Security Numbers without separators [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Social Security Numbers without separators e.g. "123456789". WARNING: This will have a high false positive risk when used in isolation. Instead consider using either "Social security numbers [USA]" or "Social security numbers without separators [USA]". | 10 | |||||
175 | Date of birth with qualifying terms [Global] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Numeric and verbal date format near a phrase for DOB or "Date of Birth" or 5 dates in conjunction with the phrase (in English only). | 1 | |||||
176 | EDI X12 forms [USA] | USA | HIPAA | EDI X12 forms that are covered by HIPAA (specifically 148, 270, 271, 275, 276, 277, 278, 820, 834, 835 and 837). | 1 | |||||
177 | Postal addresses [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where the first line of the address and postcode are provided. | 10 | |||||
178 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including Identity Document numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
179 | Combination of personally identifiable information [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of permanent account numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
180 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [South Africa] | USA | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including Identity Document numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
181 | National identity numbers near personally identifiable information [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | National identity numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
182 | Confidential document markers [South Africa] | USA | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"Confidential","Privileged","Secret","TOP SECRET" | 2 | |||||
183 | Identity Document [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Identity Document number. | 10 | |||||
184 | Identity Document with qualifying terms [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of Identity Document numbers and qualifying terms. | 10 | |||||
185 | Telephone numbers [South Africa] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for South Africa (including area code). Detection is based on prefixes (Tel, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
186 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Sweden] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
187 | National identification numbers with qualifying terms [Sweden] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Swedish personal identification numbers near a qualifying term | 10 | |||||
188 | National identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Sweden] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | National identification numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including bank account numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
189 | Postal addresses [Sweden] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Addresses where post code and region are provided. | 10 | |||||
190 | Confidential document markers [Sweden] | USA | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"salaisuus", "hemmelighed", "hemlighet", "hemmelig", "TOP SECRET" | 2 | |||||
191 | Telephone numbers [Sweden] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Sweden (includes Norwegian & Danish telephone numbers in Swedish layout). Detection is based on prefixes (Telefon, Fax etc.) and telephone number format. | 100 | |||||
192 | Community Health Index [UK] | UK | UK National Health Service | Community Health Index is a unique 10 digit number for Scottish Citizens. Gateway and V10 (and higher) endpoint agent: the number is validated by a checksum. V9.x endpoint agent: the detection is based on the 10 digit number. | 10 | |||||
193 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Sweden] | UK | Financial Data | Clearingnummer bank routing numbers | 10 | |||||
194 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Sweden] | UK | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
195 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Sweden] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including personnummmer, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
196 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank Account Details near Personal Identifiable Information for Denmark | 10 | |||||
197 | Credit or debit numbers near personally identifiable information [Denmark] | UK | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
198 | Confidential document markers [Denmark] | UK | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"salaisuus", "hemmelighed", "hemlighet", "hemmelig", "TOP SECRET" | 2 | |||||
199 | Postal addresses [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Postal Code System for Denmark | 10 | |||||
200 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of identity numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
201 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Denmark] | UK | Financial Data | Danish Bank Clearing Number | 10 | |||||
202 | Telephone numbers [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone Number for Denmark, detection is based on prefix: Telefon, Tlf, fax in addition to the 8-digit number | 10 | |||||
203 | National identification numbers [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | National Identification Number for Denmark | 10 | |||||
204 | National identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Denmark] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | National Identification Numbers near Personally Identifiable Information for Denmark | 5 | |||||
205 | Curriculum vitae [UK] | UK | Personally Identifiable Information | A detection for standard CVs requires certain keyword :- Email, Telephone, Education, Employment, Qualification, and References. | 1 | |||||
206 | Resume/CV [Canada] | Canada | Personally Identifiable Information | A detection for standard Resumes requires certain keyword :- Email, Telephone, Education, Employment, Qualification, and References. | 1 | |||||
207 | Resume/CV [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A detection for standard Resumes requires certain keyword :- Email, Telephone, Education, Employment, Qualification, and References. | 1 | |||||
208 | Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [Finland] | USA | Financial Data | Finnish bank and branch codes based on the SWIFT BIC (Business Identifier Codes) system | 10 | |||||
209 | Confidential document markers [Finland] | USA | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"salaisuus", "hemmelighed", "hemlighet", "hemmelig", "TOP SECRET" | 2 | |||||
210 | Postaladdresses [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Postal Code System for Finland | 10 | |||||
211 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Finland] | USA | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including tax file numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
212 | National identification numbers [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "henkilötunnus" Personal Identity Number for Finland | 10 | |||||
213 | Telephone numbers [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | International format Finnish telephone numbers or local national telephone numbers with qualifying term. | 100 | |||||
214 | National identity numbers near personally identifiable information [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "henkilötunnus" national identity numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
215 | Bank account details near personally identifiable information [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | Bank account details near to other types of personally identifiable information (including identity numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
216 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Finland] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | A combination of national insurance numbers, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. | 10 | |||||
217 | NHS number personal identifier near date of birth [UK] | UK | UK National Health Service | NHS number personal identifier is a 10 digit number used to identify a person uniquely within the NHS in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland. Date of Birth is a UK style "little endian" format of day, month then year in almost any common rendering. | 10 | |||||
218 | Microsoft license keys [Global] | Global | UK National Health Service | Microsoft Windows and Office products license keys, including Windows XP onwards and Office 2003 onwards. | 10 | |||||
219 | Telephone numbers [Belgium] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Belgium. Detection is based on either full international format or a prefix phrase (e.g. "Telefoon", "Fax" etc.) and regional format telephone number. | 100 | |||||
220 | Bank routing numbers [Belgium] | Global | Financial Data | Region specific SWIFT BIC (Business Identifier Codes) banking branch codes | 10 | |||||
221 | Postal addresses [Belgium] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Either a full international Belgium postcode (e.g. "BE-8300") or 4 digit number that is a valid postcode in an address like line or near an address related phrase. | 10 | |||||
222 | Confidential document markers [Belgium] | Global | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as "TOP SECRET" in Dutch, German, French or English. Includes international standard markers such as used by NATO. | 2 | |||||
223 | National identification numbers [Belgium] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Belgian national identity card number ("Identity card", "carte d'identit颬 "identiteitskaart" or "Personalausweis") | 10 | |||||
224 | Combination of personally identifiable information [Belgium] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Any combination of Belgian national identity card number, credit or debit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses. | 10 | |||||
225 | National identification numbers near personally identifiable information [Belgium] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | National identification numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including credit card numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
226 | Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [Belgium] | Global | PCI DSS | Credit or debit card numbers near to other types of personally identifiable information (including national ID numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses). | 10 | |||||
227 | National identification numbers [Malaysia] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Malaysian "National Registration Identity Card Number" or "MyID", as used on the "MyKad" national identity cards. | 10 | |||||
228 | Telephone numbers [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Netherlands. Detection is based on either full international format or a prefix phrase (e.g. "Telefoonnummer", "Fax" etc.) and regional format telephone number. Excludes non-geographic and premium rate numbers etc. | 10 | |||||
229 | Confidential document markers [Netherlands] | Global | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as "TOP SECRET" in Dutch, German or English. Includes international standard markers such as used by NATO. | 2 | |||||
230 | Postal addresses [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Netherlands Postcode sequence in an address like context (e.g. "Hoevestein 11B, 4903 SE") or in full international format (e.g. "4903 SE") | 10 | |||||
231 | National identification numbers with qualifying terms [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Netherlands "Burgerservicenummer" or "Sociaal Fiscaal nummer" personal identification numbers near a text such as "Burgerservicenummer", "BSN", "Sociaal-Fiscaal" or "Sofi" etc. | 10 | |||||
232 | Bank account details [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Netherlands based bank account information such a bank account numbers and "Bank Identifier Codes" (SWIFT/BIC) or IBAN numbers | 10 | |||||
233 | Combination of contact details [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Content containing multiple types of contact details e.g. addresses and telephone number; or a mixture of email, address and telephone numbers. | 10 | |||||
234 | Financial or personal identifiers [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Identifiers of individual persons or of individual financial accounts e.g. credit card numbers, bank account numbers or national identification numbers. | 10 | |||||
235 | Financial or personal identifiers near contact details [Netherlands] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Identifiers of individual persons or of individual financial accounts near to contact information e.g. credit card numbers near a telephone number or an address near a national identification number. | 10 | |||||
236 | Telephone numbers [Norway] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Norwegian domestic telephone numbers prefixed by either the "+47" international dialing code or a telephone related qualifying term. | 10 | |||||
237 | Confidential document markers [Norway] | Global | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:"salaisuus", "hemmelighed", "hemlighet", "hemmelig", "TOP SECRET" | 2 | |||||
238 | Postal addresses [Norway] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | A Norwegian address like sequence based on either a possible international postcode followed by a recognised region name (e.g. "NO-0661 Oslo"), or a potential 4 digit postcode followed by Norwegian region name and then country name (e.g. "0661 Oslo, Norway"), or a phrase such as "Besøksadresse" near an address like sequence. | 10 | |||||
239 | Bank routing numbers [Norway] | Global | Financial Data | Region specific SWIFT BIC (Business Identifier Codes) banking branch codes | 10 | |||||
240 | Combination of contact details [Norway] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Content containing multiple types of contact details e.g. addresses and telephone number; or a mixture of email, address and telephone numbers. | 10 | |||||
241 | Financial or personal identifiers near contact details [Norway] | Global | Financial Data | Identifiers of individual persons or of individual financial accounts near to contact information e.g. credit card numbers near a telephone number or an address near a national identification number. | 10 | |||||
242 | National identification numbers [Norway] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Norwegian "fødselsnummer" or "D-nummer" national identification numbers. With older products a phrase such as (e.g.) "fødselsnumre" may be required to be present. | 10 | |||||
243 | Financial or personal identifiers [Norway] | Global | Financial Data | Identifiers of individual persons or of individual financial accounts e.g. credit card numbers, bank account numbers or national identification numbers. | 10 | |||||
244 | Bank account details [Norway] | Global | Financial Data | Bank account information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, "Bank Identifier Codes" (SWIFT/BIC) or IBAN numbers | 10 | |||||
245 | Telephone numbers [Switzerland] | Global | Personally Identifiable Information | Telephone numbers for Switzerland. Detection is based on either full international format or a prefix phrase (e.g. "Fax") and regional format telephone number. Excludes non-geographic and premium rate numbers etc. | 10 | |||||
246 | National Provider Identifier (NPI) with qualifying terms [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) The 10 digit number is validated by checksum and can be prefixed by 80840. A string such as "NPI" etc. is required to be present in the document for a match to occur. | 10 | |||||
247 | National identification numbers [USA] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | USA Social Security numbers or USA state driving license numbers. | 10 | |||||
248 | National identification numbers [Japan] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "My Number" aka "Personal Number" introduced by for social security and tax purposes. Detection is either on a 12 digit number including a valid check digit or by being preceded by a qualifying phrase such as "My Number" or "??????". | 10 | |||||
249 | Confidential document markers [Japan] | USA | Document classification | Confidential document markers such as:- "KIMITSU" "??" "Top Secret" | 2 | |||||
250 | Medicaid Recipient ID [New York] | USA | HIPAA | New York state Medicaid Recipient ID number aka "Client Identification Number (CIN)". e.g. "LZ00083W" | 1 | |||||
251 | My Number - weak format [Japan] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "My Number" aka "Personal Number" introduced for social security and tax purposes. Has low risk of misses but may cause accidental matches. Consider using one of our stricter alternatives to this detection such as:- "My Number - with qualifying terms [Japan]" "My Number - strict format [Japan]" Will detect various numeric formats such as:- "1234-5678-9018" "1234 5678 9018" "123456789018" A valid check digit is required. | 10 | |||||
252 | My Number - strict format [Japan] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "My Number" aka "Personal Number" introduced for social security and tax purposes. Detects information when in a standard, distinctive, and well defined format e.g.:- "1234-5678-9018" "1234 5678 9018" A valid check digit is required. | 5 | |||||
253 | My Number - with qualifying terms [Japan] | USA | Personally Identifiable Information | "My Number" aka "Personal Number" introduced for social security and tax purposes. Information is preceded by a qualifying phrase such as:- "My Number" "??????" "????" A valid check digit is required. | 1 | |||||
254 | Social Security Numbers - strict format [USA] | USA | HIPAA | Formatted Social Security Numbers with hyphen style separators e.g. "123-45-6789". | 10 | |||||
255 | International Bank Account Numbers [Sweden] | USA | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
256 | International Bank Account Numbers [Italy] | Italy | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
257 | International Bank Account Numbers [UK] | UK | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
258 | International Bank Account Numbers [Ireland] | Ireland | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
259 | International Bank Account Numbers [Spain] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
260 | International Bank Account Numbers [Belgium] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
261 | International Bank Account Numbers [Denmark] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
262 | International Bank Account Numbers [Netherlands] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
263 | International Bank Account Numbers [Finland] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
264 | International Bank Account Numbers [Norway] | Spain | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
265 | International Bank Account Numbers [Germany] | Germany | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
266 | International Bank Account Numbers [France] | France | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
267 | International Bank Account Numbers [Brazil] | Brazil | PCI DSS | IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers). | 1 | |||||
268 | Single credit or debit card number with qualifying terms [Global] | Global | HIPAA | A single combination of credit or debit card number from leading suppliers (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Maestro, Solo, Switch) and qualifying terms (e.g."csv","expiry date","valid from","issue"). Countries supported: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, USA. Detection is based on credit or debit card number validated using the Luhn algorithm. | 1 | |||||
269 | Single credit or debit card number [Global] | Global | PCI DSS | Single credit or debit card number from leading suppliers, e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Maestro, Solo, Switch, AMEX. Gateway and V10 (and higher) endpoint agent: the number is validated by the Luhn checksum. V9.x endpoint agent: the detection is based on supplier name followed by credit or debit card number. | 1 | |||||
270 | Single credit card magnetic track 1 | Global | PCI DSS | Single credit card magnetic track 1 | 1 | |||||
271 | Single credit card magnetic track 2 | Global | PCI DSS | Single credit card magnetic track 2 | 1 |
Note: The quantity shown is the approximate number of matches a rule must find in a scanned object in order to consider it a DLP violation. In many cases the DLP rules are looking for repeated matches in order to avoid false positives. The number of occurrences of the term required to trigger the rule does not always correspond exactly to the quantity because the pattern matching algorithm may find different variations of a pattern in one instance.