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About FireClient

WatchGuard FireClient works with your WatchGuard Mobile Security subscription service to make sure that only mobile devices that meet the minimum approved requirements can get access to your network over a Wi-Fi or VPN connection.

After you enable Mobile Security on your network, to verify that their mobile devices comply with your Mobile Security device compliance settings, mobile device users must run the FireClient app after they connect to your network with an iOS or Android device. To remain compliant, users must not close the FireClient app while they are connected to the network.

FireClient User Authentication

Users must provide their user credentials in FireClient if they are not already authenticated through a VPN client, with single sign-on, or with another authentication method. Users must specify their user names and passwords.

Screen shot of the Login page in FireClient

If more than one authentication server is enabled on the Firebox, FireClient authentication automatically uses the default authentication server specified in the global Firewall Authentication settings. For more information about global Firewall Authentication settings, see Set Global Firewall Authentication Values.

If a user wants to authenticate from FireClient to an authentication server other than the default authentication server, the user must specify the authentication server or domain as part of the user name in the format <authentication server>\<username>. The authentication server name is case-sensitive.

For example if the user name is j_smith the user must select one of these formats to specify the user name in FireClient:

  • RADIUS server — radius\j_smith
  • Firebox-DB — Firebox-DB\j_smith
  • Active Directory server (in this example, —\j_smith

FireClient Requirements

FireClient is supported on Android 4.1 and higher and on iOS 8.0 and higher. Users must install the FireClient app from the Google Play store or the Apple App Store before they connect to a network that requires it.

To use FireClient on a network users must have this information:

  • The name or IP address of the server that FireClient connects to
  • A user name and password to authenticate to the network

FireClient User Documentation

Instructions about how to install and use the FireClient app are available in the WatchGuard Knowledge Base and Fireware Help.

WatchGuard Knowledge Base:

Fireware Help:

You can send these instructions to your users, or use them as the basis for user instructions specific to your network.

See Also

About Mobile Security

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