Run the Web Setup Wizard

Some of the features described in this section are only available to participants in the WatchGuard Beta program. If a feature described in this section is not available in your version of Fireware, it is a beta-only feature.

To set up your Firebox, you can use the Web Setup Wizard. The Web Setup Wizard starts automatically when you log in to a Firebox that starts with factory-default settings.

For the Quick Start version of this procedure, go to Quick Start — Set Up a New Firebox.

Before you start the Web Setup Wizard, make sure you:

  • Activate your device on the WatchGuard website
  • Save a copy of your Firebox feature key in a text file on your computer (optional, but recommended)

For a Firebox M5600 or M5800, make sure that an interface module is installed in slot A when you start the Firebox with factory-default settings. For more information, go to About Modular Interfaces.

Connect to Fireware Web UI

To run the Web Setup Wizard, you must first connect to the Firebox. When you connect your computer, the Firebox uses DHCP to assign an IP address to your computer.

  1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect interface 1 of your Firebox to your computer, or connect to the management interface.
    • For a Firebox M5600 or M5800, connect your computer to the management interface, interface 32.
    • For a Firebox M4800, connect your computer to the management interface, interface 24.

For wireless Firebox models that run Fireware v12.5.3 or higher, you can use Wi-Fi to connect to the Firebox for setup. Use these default Wi-Fi settings:

  • SSID — Firebox model name and the last three octets of the wireless MAC address
    (for example: T35-W-A1:B2:C3)
  • Password — Firebox serial number, including the dash. The Wi-Fi password is case-sensitive.

If your Firebox ships with Wi-Fi enabled, the default Wi-Fi settings are on an attached sticker. To make a Wi-Fi connection, scan the QR code or use the printed SSID and Wi-Fi key.

  1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect interface 0 to a router or network that provides Internet access. This is the external interface. The external interface uses DHCP to request an IP address on the network it connects to.
  2. Connect the Firebox to an electrical outlet.
  3. Start the Firebox in factory-default mode. A new Firebox automatically starts in this mode.
    For more information, go to Reset a Firebox.
  4. Make sure your computer is configured to accept a DHCP-assigned IP address, or has a static IP address on the subnet.

For information about how to review and change your network settings, go to:

  1. If your browser uses an HTTP proxy server, you must temporarily disable the HTTP proxy setting in your browser.

For more information, go to Disable the HTTP Proxy in the Browser.

  1. Open your web browser and go to
    For a Firebox M5600 or  M5800, go to
    For a Firebox M4800, go to
    A security certificate notification appears in the browser.
  1. When you see the certificate warning, click Continue. Add an exception if your browser requires it.
    The certificate warning appears because the Firebox uses a certificate signed by the WatchGuard Certificate Authority, which is not in the list of trusted authorities on your browser.

This warning appears each time you connect to the Firebox unless you permanently accept the certificate, or generate and import a certificate for the device to use. For more information, go to About Certificates.

  1. Log in with the default administrator account credentials:
    User Nameadmin
    The Web Setup Wizard welcome page opens.
  2. Select a configuration method.


  • Cloud-Managed (Recommended) — Configure temporary network settings for interface 0 to enable the Firebox to connect to WatchGuard Cloud and download a configuration file. After the Firebox downloads the configuration, interface 0 uses the network settings configured in WatchGuard Cloud. Before you select this option, you must add the Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud as a cloud-managed device. The default configuration for cloud-managed Fireboxes automatically enables secure default firewall policies and your licensed subscription services. For more information, go to Add a Cloud-Managed Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud.
  • Locally-Managed (Create New Configuration) — Create a new configuration that you can locally manage with Fireware Web UI or WatchGuard System Manager (WSM). With this option, you use the wizard to configure external and trusted interface settings. The wizard automatically enables default firewall policies and licensed subscription services.
  • RapidDeploy — (Fireware v12.5.3 or higher) Configure network settings for interface 0 to enable the Firebox to connect to WatchGuard and download a configuration file you created for RapidDeploy. Before you select this option, you must upload a configuration file for RapidDeploy. For more information, go to Deploy Your Firebox with RapidDeploy.
  • Restore from Backup Image — For a Firebox reset to factory default settings, use this option to restore an exported backup image, or restore a backup image from a USB drive connected to the Firebox. For more information, go to Restore a Firebox Backup Image.
  1. Accept the license agreement. Click Next.
  2. Follow the steps in the setup wizard to complete the configuration.

Complete the Web Setup Wizard

The steps in the Web Setup Wizard depend on the configuration option you choose.

Troubleshoot Web Setup Wizard Issues 

If you leave the Web Setup Wizard idle for 15 minutes or more, the setup wizard times out, and you must use the same steps to log in and start it again.

For other problems with the setup wizard, it can help to clear the browser cache before you try again.

Related Topics

Reset a Firebox

Save a Firebox Backup Image

Use a USB Drive for System Backup and Restore