Run Diagnostic Tasks on the WebBlocker Server
On the System Settings page Diagnostics tab, you can run diagnostic tasks and use diagnostic tools for the operating system, WebBlocker Server, and email server.
To run diagnostic tasks:
- Select
> Administration
> Administration > System Settings.
The System Settings page appears. - Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics pages appear. - Select a tab:
- Run the diagnostic tools, as described in the next sections.
Operating System Tasks
On the Operating System tab, you can use utilities to monitor your network, enable diagnostic access to the WebBlocker Server for WatchGuard Support, update the WebBlocker Server system package, and review the WebBlocker Server Status Report.
Network Diagnostics
To monitor the health of your network, you can run these utilities:
- Ping
- Traceroute
- DNS lookup
To verify that the WebBlocker Server can establish a connection to a specific IP address or host name, you can ping that IP address or host name from the WebBlocker Server.
- From the Utility drop-down list, select Ping.
- In the IP Address or Host Name text box, type the IP address or host name to ping.
- Click Run.
The task runs and the results appear.
To trace the route from the WebBlocker Server to an IP address, you can run the traceroute utility.
- From the Utility drop-down list, select Traceroute.
- From the Protocol drop-down list, select the protocol for the route: UDP or ICMP.
- In the IP Address or Host Name text box, type the IP address or host name of the source or destination of the traffic.
- Click Run.
The task runs and the results appear.
DNS Lookup
To find the DNS information for an IP address, you can run the DNS lookup utility.
- From the Utility drop-down list, select DNS Lookup.
- From the Query Type drop-down list, select the query for the lookup: A, ANY, MX, NS, SOA, HINFO, TXT, SRV, AAAA, PTR.
- In the IP Address or Host Name text box, type the IP address or host name to lookup.
- Click Run.
The task runs and the results appear.
System Diagnostics
From the System Diagnostics section, you can download a file that contains diagnostic data such as log messages and a status report.
To download the diagnostics file:
- Click Download.
WebBlocker Server generates the support.tgz file. - Select whether to open or save the file support.tgz file.
You can also choose to send a file with the diagnostic information about your WebBlocker Server to WatchGuard.
To send a diagnostic file to WatchGuard:
- Adjacent to Send diagnostic feedback about WebBlocker to WatchGuard, click Send.
A progress dialog box appears followed by a Diagnostics message dialog box. - To close the message dialog box, click OK.
Support Access for Diagnostics
Support Access is a secure method that WatchGuard Technical Support can use to get limited access to the operating system of your WebBlocker Server.
If you contact WatchGuard Technical Support for assistance, your Technical Support representative could ask for Support Access to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with your system. Enable the Support Access for Diagnostics feature only when directed to do so by a WatchGuard Technical Support representative.
To connect to the WebBlocker Server, a remote support representative must have a secure certificate and must be able to make an SSH connection to the WebBlocker Server over the specified port. If your WebBlocker Server is behind a gateway Firebox, you must also configure your gateway Firebox to allow access from WatchGuard Technical Support. Your support representative will provide instructions to correctly configure your gateway Firebox.
In the Support Access for Diagnostics section, you can enable or disable the Support Access feature and specify the port WatchGuard Technical Support can use to connect to your WebBlocker Server.
To enable support access:
- In the Support Access for Diagnostics section, click Configure.
The Support Access for Diagnostics dialog box appears.
- Select the Enable Support Access check box.
- To use a port other than the default port (22), in the Port text box, type another port number.
- Click Save.
System Package Update
If WatchGuard Support finds an issue with your WebBlocker Server system that can be resolved with an update to the WebBlocker Server system package, your Support representative might instruct you to update the system package to another version.
To update the system package:
- In the Update System Package section, click Update.
The Update System Package dialog box appears.
- In the text box, type the name of the system package to update.
- Click Update.
Status Report
The Status Report section shows statistics about WebBlocker Server traffic and performance.
To refresh the information in the Status Report section, click .
The Status Report includes this information:
Version information and uptime
The WebBlocker Server software version, OS version, system UUID number, current UTC time, and system uptime.
Process lnfo
Process ID, the name of the process, and the status of the process.
Memory Info
Statistics on the memory use (shown in bytes of memory).
Disk Usage
The amount of space that is in use on the WebBlocker Server.
Mount Points
The mount point details for WebBlocker Server connections to a file system.
Swap Area
The swap area partition details.
Load Average
The load average over the last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Values over 1.00 (100%) indicate some threads are queued until resources are available. (A system load that exceeds 1.00 does not mean the system is overloaded.)
Each WebBlocker Server interface is included, with information about the interface type configuration (external, trusted, or optional), interface status, and packet count. For active trusted or optional interfaces, if IPv6 has been enabled for the interface, both the IPv4 and IPv6 address information is included.
The details of the Kernel IP routing table on the WebBlocker Server.
ARP table
ARP table on the WebBlocker Server. The ARP table is used to match IP addresses to hardware addresses.
DNS Servers
Address information for the DNS servers.
Address and status information for the NTP servers.
WebBlocker Server Tasks
On the WebBlocker Server tab, you can review the process information and log messages for the WebBlocker Server.
Process Information
The Process Information section includes these details:
The percentage of the CPU cores that the WebBlocker Server processes currently use.
Because each CPU core can run at 100%, if the server processes use both CPU cores, the maximum is 200%. To see the sum of the maximum amount of available bandwidth on the CPU cores that the web server processes can use, point to .
The amount of memory that the process currently uses on the WebBlocker Server.
The amount of time since the WebBlocker Server was last restarted.
Log Messages
In the Log Messages section, you can see the log messages generated by the WebBlocker Server web server.
To change the number of lines of log messages that appear in the Log Messages list:
- In the Number of log messages to show text box, type the number of lines from the log file to show.
- Click
The Log Messages list is updated with the latest log messages and only shows the number of lines you specified.
From the Email tab, you can verify the status of the email system, run diagnostic tasks for the email system, and review log messages from the email server.
Review the Status of the Email Server
In the Email Status section, you can see the status of the email server and how many email notification messages from WebBlocker Server are in the email queue.
Normally, the email server sends messages as soon as they are generated. If there is a problem with the email server that causes the messages not to send, the messages are added to the email queue. When this occurs, you can either wait for the email server to be available again and then send all the messages in the queue, or remove all the messages from the queue.
To send all messages that are in the email queue, click Flush Queue.
The email server attempts to send the messages again.
To remove all messages from the queue, click Purge Queue.
The email server removes all messages from the queue, and the Queue status changes to Empty.
Run Email Server Diagnostics
To verify that the mail server is available to send notification email messages when they are generated, you can run a diagnostic test of the email server.
To send a test email:
- In the Email Diagnostics section, click Test Email.
The Send Test Email dialog box appears.
- In the Send Email To text box, type the destination address of the test email message.
This is typically the address of the WebBlocker Server Administrator. - In the Send Email From text box, type the source address of the test email message.
This is typically the address of the email server. - In the Subject text box, type the subject line for the test email message.
- Click Send Email.
The email server sends the test email and Message Sent appears adjacent to Test Email.
Review Email Server Log Messages
In the Email Log Messages section, the log messages that are generated by the WebBlocker Server email server appear. You can review these log messages to see the events that have occurred on the email server.
To change the number of log messages that appear in the list:
- In the Number of log messages to show text box, type the number of log messages to include in the list.
- Click
The list updates to show the number of log messages you specified.
To refresh the list of log messages, click .
Monitor WebBlocker Server System Settings
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Complete WebBlocker Server System Maintenance