See the Device Summary Page for a Firebox

Applies To: Cloud-managed Fireboxes, Locally-managed Fireboxes

In the Device Summary page, you can see a summary of status for all devices, and the detailed status for each device for a selected time period.

To open the Device Summary page for a Firebox:

  1. Log in to WatchGuard Cloud.
  2. Select Monitor > Devices.
  3. From a Subscriber account, to review a summary of status for all devices in the account, from Device Manager, select the top-level folder.
  4. From a Service Provider account, to review a summary of status for all devices in a managed account, from Account Manager, select the Subscriber account.
    Summary statistics show for all devices in the selected account. In the Device Status tile, click the title to open the Device Status list of all the devices in the account.
  5. To review a summary of status for all devices in a folder, select the folder name.
    Summary statistics show for all devices in the selected folder.
  6. To review the status of an individual device, select the device name. You can also see the status of a device from the icon next to the device.
    The Device Summary page shows the status for the selected device.

Screen shot of Device Summary page, single device

Device Summary page for a selected device

To generate the Executive Summary report for the device, click the PDF icon in the upper-right corner. For more information on the report, go to Executive Summary (WatchGuard Cloud).

Connection, Device, and License Details

When you select an individual device, the upper section of the page shows connection status, device information, and license details for the device. For a FireCluster, this section shows information about both Firebox cluster members.

Screenshot of the WatchGuard Cloud Device Settings, Information section

Screenshot of the device information and license details for a FireCluster

On the Device Summary page, this section also shows an Uptime value that is not included in these images.

For more information about device status, you can select the device or folder, and look at logs, dashboards, and reports. For more information, go to View WatchGuard Cloud Device Reports.

Connection Status

Connection status appears below the image of the device. The connection status indicates whether the device is connected to your WatchGuard Cloud account. It can be one of these values:

Never Connected — The device has never connected to WatchGuard Cloud.

Connected — The device is connected to WatchGuard Cloud.

Not Connected — The device is not connected to WatchGuard Cloud.

Inactive — The device is inactive. For more information, go to Inactive Devices and Data Retention.

Screenshot of the WatchGuard Cloud Device Settings, Connection Status

If the status is Never Connected or Not Connected, look at the WatchGuard Cloud status on the device. For more information, go to WatchGuard Cloud Status on the Firebox.

The expected status of cluster members depends on the cluster type:

Active/Passive FireCluster

Only the cluster master connects to WatchGuard Cloud. The status of the cluster master is Connected. The status of the backup master is Never Connected or Not Connected.

Active/Active FireCluster (Locally-managed FireClusters only)

Both cluster members connect to WatchGuard Cloud. The status of both members is Connected. To determine which Firebox serial number corresponds to the cluster master or backup master, connect to Fireware Web UI and select System Status > FireCluster. Or, in WatchGuard System Manager, connect to the cluster and expand the Cluster section.

Reboot and Upgrade

For individual Fireboxes that run Fireware v12.5.2 and higher, you can reboot and upgrade the Firebox on the Device Summary page. For more information, go to Reboot a Firebox and Upgrade Firmware in WatchGuard Cloud.

You can select to reboot or upgrade a locally-managed or cloud-managed FireCluster members. For more information, go to Reboot a Cluster Member in WatchGuard Cloud and Upgrade a FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud.

FireCluster Failover

You can select to fail over a locally-managed or cloud-managed FireCluster.

For more information, go to Fail Over a FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud.

Device Information

The Device Information section includes basic information about the device:

  • Name — For a device that has never connected, this is the name assigned to the device when it was registered at After the device has connected, this is the name configured on the device.
  • Model — The device model.
  • Version — For a device that has never connected to WatchGuard Cloud, this is the version of firmware the device was manufactured with. After the device has connected, this is the version of firmware installed on the device.
  • Serial Number — The device serial number.
  • IP Address — The public IP address of the connection from WatchGuard Cloud. If the device is not connected, it shows the last IP address the device connected from WatchGuard Cloud.
  • Uptime — The number of days since the device last rebooted. This information is available only after the device has connected to WatchGuard Cloud. This value only appears on the Device Summary page. If the device is not connected, this number reflects the uptime as of the last time the device connected to WatchGuard Cloud.

Screenshot of the WatchGuard Cloud Device Settings, Device Information

For a FireCluster, the Device Information section also includes a member number for both cluster members. This number indicates the order in which you added the Fireboxes to WatchGuard Cloud:

  • Member1 is the first Firebox that you added to WatchGuard Cloud.
  • Member2 is the second Firebox that you added to WatchGuard Cloud.

Screenshot of the Device Information and License Details for a FireCluster

If you remove a Firebox from a FireCluster, that member becomes inactive.

Click the Older Devices link below the cluster member list to view details about previous cluster members.

Screenshot of the Older Devices details for a FireCluster

License Details

The License Details section indicates the type of device security subscription, and license and data retention period. The license type can be:

  • Total Security Suite — WatchGuard Cloud is licensed to this device as part of a Total Security Suite subscription.
    • For reports, this license includes 30 days of data retention, plus the number of days associated with the Data Retention license assigned to the Firebox if a Data Retention license is purchased.
    • For Log Manager and Log Search, this license includes 365 days of data retention. 10 days of log data (plus the number of days associated with the Data Retention license assigned to the Firebox) is available for fast searches.
  • Basic Security Suite — WatchGuard Cloud is licensed to this device as part of a Basic Security Suite subscription.
    • For reports, this license includes 1 day of data retention, plus the number of days associated with the Data Retention license assigned to the Firebox if a Data Retention license is purchased.
    • For Log Manager and Log Search, this license includes 90 days of data retention. Fast search is not available with Basic Security Suite unless you purchase a Data Retention License.
  • Standard Support — WatchGuard Cloud is licensed to this device as part of the Standard Support license. There is no data retention.

Screenshot of the WatchGuard Cloud Device Settings, License Details

License and data retention status information includes:

  • Status — The status of the WatchGuard Cloud license in the device Feature Key. If the license is not expired, the status is Valid.
  • Expiration — The date the WatchGuard Cloud license expires.
  • Log Data Retention — The number of days of data retention for Log Manager and Log Search. This includes the number of days in the device license plus days added from the Data Retention license allocated to the device. For more information, go to Manage Data Retention Licenses.
  • Report Data Retention — The number of days of data retention for reports. This includes the number of days in the device license plus days added from the Data Retention license allocated to the device. For more information, go to Manage Data Retention Licenses.

Device and Service Statistics

The Device Summary page also includes summary statistics for the device and security services. The available statistics depend on whether you select a device or a folder, and whether the device is connected.

Related Topics

View WatchGuard Cloud Device Reports

Executive Summary (WatchGuard Cloud)

Live Status Reporting for Fireboxes and FireClusters