Security Settings in Endpoint Security

Applies To: WatchGuard Advanced EPDR, WatchGuard EPDR, WatchGuard EDR,WatchGuard EDR Core, WatchGuard EPP

Security settings enable you to protect corporate assets against threats of different types.

Settings vary for WatchGuard Advanced EPDR, EPDR, EDR, EDR Core, and EPP. Throughout this documentation, WatchGuard Endpoint Security refers generally to all products. If you do not have a setting in the Endpoint Security management UI, it is not supported by your product.

Your operator role determines what you can see and do in WatchGuard Cloud. Your role must have the Endpoint Security permission to view or configure this feature. For more information, go to Manage WatchGuard Cloud Operators and Roles.

From the Security section, you can create settings profiles for these security areas:

You cannot edit default settings. Copy the default settings and make changes as required. Not all features are available for all supported platforms. This table provides a summary of the features in WatchGuard Endpoint Security that are available for each supported platform.

Feature Windows macOS Linux
Advanced Protection  
Anti-Exploit Protection, Code Injection, and Vulnerable Driver Detection    
Network Attack Protection    
Antivirus Protection
Firewall and Intrusion Detection System (IDS)    
Device Control    
Web Access  
Audit Mode

Related Topics

Manage Settings Profiles

Configure Patch Management Settings

Data Control Settings

Encryption Settings