Case Study - Cibes

Customer’s Profile

The story of Cibes began in 1947, when Swedish inventor Bertil Svedberg founded a company manufacturing lifts. During the 1960s, the first generation of home lifts was launched and shortly thereafter, the first series of platform lifts.

This was the beginning of the exciting journey that has made Cibes what it is today: by their own description, a dynamic, global company, with strong roots in Sweden.

In 2008, Cibes became part of the Cibes Lift Group and a few years later, in 2012 to be precise, operations moved to Gävle – the heart of the company today.

Cibes Lift produces between 4,000 and 5,000 lifts each year, for over 50 countries. 15 of these countries have their own operations, but otherwise the majority of production takes place in the factory in Gävle.

The first office in China was opened in 2015. Today, there are 20 offices and plans for a Cibes factory in China are under way.

The move from Järbo to Gävle coincided with Jonas Persson joining the company as IT manager.

Jonas is responsible for IT security across all the company’s offices. He does this from headquarters in Gävle with the help of Panda Adaptive Defense 360 and Panda Systems Management.


In an organization like Cibes, which is growing all the time, one major challenge is to keep on top of the management of new users, who join as new companies start up and fresh recruitment takes place. And this has to be done remotely, as Jonas is based in Gävle. New networks have to be set up and computers installed. For users in Europe, ready-installed computers are sent from headquarters. In Asia, local staff ensure that Panda Fusion 360 (a combination of Panda Adaptive Defense 360 and Panda Systems Management) is installed.

Defending endpoints against attack is difficult. Protection must include a wide range of defenses, including traditional antivirus, anti-malware, personal firewall, web and email filtering, and device control.

And any defense must provide additional safeguards against hard-to-detect zero day and targeted attacks. Up to now, IT departments have needed to acquire and maintain a number of different solutions from different vendors to defend endpoints, but this is no longer the case.


As Jonas needed a solution where remote working was unproblematic, Fredrik Losman from Panda Security recommended two Cloud-based IT security solutions: Panda Adaptive Defense 360 and Panda Systems Management.

Adaptive Defense 360 combines the widest range of endpoint protection (EPP) technologies with EDR capabilities, automating the prevention, detection, containment, and response to any advanced threat thanks to its two services, managed by Panda Security experts and delivered as a feature of the solution: Zero-Trust Application Service and Threat Hunting Service. It also provides the following capabilities: IDS, firewall, device control, email protection, URL & content filtering.

Panda’s Adaptive Defense 360 relies on a security model based on three principles: continuous monitoring of applications on the company’s computers and servers, automatic classification, and machine learning. These protect clients/servers from known and unknown attacks coming from email or the Internet for example.

One of the biggest challenges any organization has is its users. Adaptive Defense 360 enables companies to minimize the risk of IT security incidents by preventing users, for example, from installing programs that Panda Security regards as malicious or unknown.

Using Panda Systems Management (RMM tool*), Jonas can simply run, monitor, and manage all devices in the company, irrespective of whether they are in the office or elsewhere. He can, for example, set up monitoring on Cibes servers, which incorporates alarm functions to provide a direct warning if a hard drive is about to crash or a server’s hardware resources are running out.


Having a comprehensive report of all capabilities makes it easier for the IT manager or management team to make decisions about what needs prioritizing or changing.

When Jonas talks about Panda Adaptive Defense 360 and Panda Systems Management, time and again he comes back to the benefits of having two Cloud-based solutions, and particularly how much our RMM tool has made it easier for him and his work when the majority of the work is done remotely.

Main use

Panda Patch Management allows, within a single user-friendly solution:

Audit, monitor and prioritize operating systems and application updates.

The single-panel view offers centralized up-to-the-minute and aggregated visibility into the security status of the organization with regard to vulnerabilities, patches and pending updates of the systems and hundreds of applications.

Prevent incidents, systematically reducing the attack surface created by software vulnerabilities.

Handling patches and updates with easy-to-use, real-time management tools that enable organizations to get ahead of vulnerability exploitation attacks.

Contain and mitigate vulnerability exploitation attacks with immediate updates.

Panda Adaptive Defense 360 console, in conjunction with Patch Management, allows organizations to correlate detected threats and exploits with the uncovered vulnerabilities. Response time is minimized, containing and remediating attacks by pushing out patches immediately from the web console. Additionally, affected computers can be isolated from the rest of the network, preventing the attack from spreading.

Reduce operating costs.

  • Panda Patch Management does not require the deployment or update of any new or existing endpoint agents, simplifying management and avoiding workstation and server overloads.
  • Minimizes patching efforts as updates are launched remotely from the Cloud-based console. Additionally, installation is optimized to minimize errors.
  • Provides complete, unattended visibility into all vulnerabilities, pending updates and EOL applications immediately after activation.

Complies with the accountability principle included in many regulations (GDPR, HIPAA and PCI). It forces organizations to take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure proper protection of the sensitive data under their control.

* RMM: Remote Monitoring & Management

Main Benefits:

Panda Systems Management makes it possible, among other things, to take over a client or server wherever it is located. See which type of hardware clients and servers are using and which programs are installed.

See, via the console, any changes to a client that have taken place. This makes trouble-shooting easier.

One or more software applications can be distributed in a simple manner, either to one particular client or to the whole organization.

Incident management system that automatically creates tickets when something unexpected happens, for example if a server goes down or if a hard drive is about to crash.

Panda Cloud Systems Management allows you to see directly how much electricity your clients and servers have used and the cost of the energy consumed. By setting energy consumption rules for clients, you can save money and help look after the environment.

Having a comprehensive report of all capabilities makes it easier for the IT manager or management team to make decisions about what needs prioritizing or changing.