Artificial Intelligence, disruptive innovation in cybersecurity

The professionalization, sophistication, and sheer number of adversaries has forced organizations to reinforce their security policies and develop specific processes to prevent, detect, investigate, and remediate advanced cyberattacks. Artificial Intelligence has burst onto the cybersecurity scene to automate, accelerate and improve all these processes.
AI has begun to be part of almost every aspect of human life, at least those in which data is an essential component. This technology, which aims to emulate the cognitive functions of human intelligence, enables a system to process and interpret information, use and adapt that knowledge to learn about them and achieve the goals for which it was designed. Cybersecurity has been highly improved by this technology. While substantial improvement has been made to informationc management processes, digital threats have also increased due to the dynamic capacity that AI offers. Discover Panda Adaptive Defense 360 Technologies
Time: a critical concept
If an organization does not have enough IT professionals or specialized solutions to respond to advanced cybersecurity issues, it is highly likely that it has already suffered intrusions or attacks that it has yet to notice. By applying Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning algorithms in cybersecurity, companies can gain time, which is a critical concept. As we have seen that detecting suspicious behavior or an intrusion as it happens is not always possible, where a cyberattack has already begun to deploy, keeping mean time to respond (MTTR) as low as possible will be key to mitigating risks and minimizing potential damage.
Zero-Trust Application Service
The application of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity processes is varied and it is a technology that will improve detection and prevention processes, as well as delivering effective tools to reduce risk exposure times. At Panda Security, a WatchGuard Brand, our response to the most advanced cybersecurity demands is through cloud-based solutions and services such as the Zero-Trust Service, which leverages the cybersecurity benefits of AI. A managed service is included as part of the Panda Adaptive Defense and Adaptive Defense 360 license which, by classifying all running processes either as trusted or malware, only permits trusted items to be run on an endpoint.
The Zero-Trust Application Service has three key components:
- Continuous monitoring of endpoint activity from a cloud-native platform.
- Automatic classification based on IA: the real-time IA classification system is self-sufficient and scalable to large volumes of files, without depending on end user input.
- Risk-based application control. This refers to the operating modes of the protection agent running on endpoints. The two protection levels are hardening mode and lock mode.
AI forms the basis of the most advanced cybersecurity and cyberthreat intelligence solutions, and the relationship between this technology and Panda Collective Intelligence is key to the operation of the new protection model, increasing the efficacy of the Zero-Trust Application Service. This cloud repository is continuously fed by the AI system as well as expert analysts, and receives constant queries from Panda Security solutions and services before any processes are executed.
Find out more about the Powerful Detection and Reliable Mitigation of Adaptive Defense 360 Technology here.