WatchGuard Blog

Strong Relationships Matter More When MSPs Consolidate Vendors

A rising tide lifts all boats. This common phrase offers a perfect explanation of why strong supplier and partner relationships are essential to the success of your business. Partner programs come in all shapes and sizes, but not all provide the same value to you and your business. However, when you invest in developing key business collaborations, both your company and its suppliers can reap the rewards of your efforts. In a new MSSP Alert article from WatchGuard Channel Marketing Specialist Joe Tavano, he looks at a few ways a strong relationship with a single vendor can bring value to your business.

“ There’s a lot to be gained from consolidating around the right vendor: massive operational efficiencies, simplified billing cycles, high-performing product integrations, and more.”

Check out the full article at MSSP Alert to learn more about the value of a single security vendor relationship. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog now for the latest industry news, insights and more!