Support by Phone
Select a country
- United States
- Registered Resellers and End UsersPhone:(877) 232-3531(206) 613-0456
- Gold Support SubscribersPhone:(877) 947-3453(206) 613-0877
- Platinum Support SubscribersPhone number provided upon subscription
- Canada
- Registered Resellers and End UsersPhone:(877) 232-3531(206) 613-0456
- French language supportPhone:(206) 521-3079
- Gold Support SubscribersPhone:(877) 947-3453(206) 613-0877
- Platinum Support SubscribersPhone number provided upon subscription
- Latin America
- Spanish language supportPhone:(206) 521-3080
- Argentina
- Phone:54 1159841410
- Brazil
- Phone:55 2139560543
- Chile
- Phone:56 25813456
- Peru
- Phone:51 17086728
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
- France
- Phone:33 0 170 617769
- French language supportPhone:(206) 521-3079
- Germany
- Phone:49 40 87408369
- Ireland
- Phone:35 316 917 674
- Italy
- Italian language sales supportPhone:800 911 938
- Netherlands
- Phone:31 70 711 20 82
- Portugal
- Phone:351 308 804 237
- Spain
- Phone:34 94 4343713
- Spanish language supportPhone:(206) 521-3080
- United Kingdom
- Phone:44 0 2030028409
Asia Pacific
- Australia
- Phone:61 2 5114 6890
- China
- Phone:400 120 4955
- Simplified Chinese language supportPhone:(206) 521-3077
- Hong Kong
- Phone:800906074
- India
- Phone:91 11 7127 9244Toll-Free000 800 0501 543
- Japan
- Phone:0120-077-314
- Japanese language supportPhone:(206) 521-3078
- Malaysia
- Phone:1 800 813 172
- New Zealand
- Phone:64 9 558 0157
- Singapore
- Phone:800 852 3062
- Taiwan
- Phone:0801147104
WatchGuardONE Partner Support
All Other Countries Not Listed
Registered Resellers and End Users
1 206 613 0456
Gold Support Subscribers
1 206 613 0877