Product and Support News

Important Changes to DNSWatch and DNSWatchGO

Hello everyone!

This is going to be a short entry, but we wanted to make everyone that is using DNSWatch alerts to create tickets in their own PSA, RMM, or other ticketing systems aware of an upcoming change. Currently, communication for alerts and other account related communication comes from the email address We are replacing this address with the WatchGuard Cloud standard product notification email of

This roll-over is slated for Wednesday April 15, 2020. We ask that between now and then you update any impacted ticketing systems and workflows.

Additionally, we wanted to inform you of a couple of changes we are making to our feeds to update your security during the COVID-19 crisis. We are actively evaluating and adding two new feeds to cover emerging threats during this time. There have been a number of targeted attacks using this emergency as leverage and, as always, we are working hard to add relative intelligence to keep you safe.

Have a great week and stay safe,

Ben, Stephen, and the DNSWatch team



Filed under: Support Alerts