Product and Support News

Updates to WatchGuard Technical Support Case Processing

WatchGuard’s Support and Service team is continually looking for ways to improve how we provide support to our customers. We are pleased to announce several enhancements to our support case experience, starting on 11 May.

Panda corporate products cases now routed into WatchGuard systems

As part of our ongoing integration with Panda Security, support cases for Panda corporate products created through the Panda support site, via email or by phone, will now be tracked in WatchGuard systems. Customers with WatchGuard website logins can now submit Panda product cases and view open cases in WatchGuard Support Center. For Panda customers who do not have a WatchGuard Support Center login, the support contact methods are unchanged, but you will see the support case emails replies now come from WatchGuard.   

Email now supported for case updates

You can now communicate with support by email, reducing the need to log in to the support site to review and respond to your support case.  After a case is created, in addition to alerting you of the update, the email now contains case comments. You can reply to the email to communicate with your support representative. If case comments include sensitive information, WatchGuard retains the option to post comments directly to the case and not include those comments in email.

Enhanced case categorization and routing to best skilled technician

  • Going forward, we will ask for additional information when you create a new support case. We use this information to better categorize your case. You will see expanded pick lists for Product Family, Product, Product Area, and additional details in the online case submittal form. 
  • The enhanced categorization improves routing of cases to the support specialist with the best skill set to resolve the case. 

For more information, see WatchGuard Support Case Integration Update: 11 May 2021

Filed under: Support Alerts