Add a Cloud-Managed FireCluster

Applies To: Cloud-managed Fireboxes

You can add and manage an active/passive FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud. For more information about FireCluster, go to About FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud.

To add a cloud-managed FireCluster, use one of these methods:

Before You Begin

Before you add a cloud-managed FireCluster, learn about requirements and plan your configuration. For information about FireCluster requirements, go to Before You Configure a Cloud-Managed FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud.

Add a New Cloud-Managed FireCluster

If you have two Fireboxes that you have not yet configured as a FireCluster, use the method described in this section. Both Fireboxes must have factory-default settings.

Add the FireCluster

Complete the Cable Connections

For information about cabling and network topology, go to Connect the Hardware for a Cloud-Managed FireCluster.

Verify the Connection to WatchGuard Cloud

After you complete the cable configuration, verify the FireCluster connection to WatchGuard Cloud. For more information, go to the Device Summary page.

Screen shot of the Device Summary page for a Firebox with FireCluster status

Only the cluster master connects to WatchGuard Cloud. The status of the cluster master is Connected. The status of the backup master is Never Connected or Not Connected.

Change a Locally-Managed FireCluster to Cloud Management

If you previously added a locally-managed FireCluster to WatchGuard Cloud for visibility, you can change the FireCluster to cloud management.

After you change the management type and deploy the change, the cloud-managed configuration replaces the locally-managed configuration on the Firebox. You can no longer locally manage the FireCluster in WatchGuard System Manager or Fireware Web UI.

Change a Cloud-managed Firebox to a Cloud-managed FireCluster Member

To change a single cloud-managed Firebox to a cloud-managed FireCluster member, you must:

  1. Remove the device from cloud management so that it is locally managed. For more information, go to Change the FireCluster Management Type.
  2. Configure a locally-managed cluster. For more information, go to Configure FireCluster with the Setup Wizard.
  3. Add the FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud as a locally-managed cluster with visibility, and then change the FireCluster to cloud management. For more information, go to Change the FireCluster Management Type.

Caution: The deployment history of a cloud-managed Firebox is no longer available after you add the device to a cloud-managed FireCluster. This means that when you complete the configuration of a cloud-managed FireCluster, you cannot revert to earlier deployment versions of the cloud-managed Firebox.

Manage the FireCluster

After you add a cloud-managed FireCluster, you can:

Related Topics

About FireCluster in WatchGuard Cloud

Change the FireCluster Management Type

Remove a FireCluster from WatchGuard Cloud

Configure an RMA Replacement for a Cloud-Managed FireCluster Member

Copy Configuration Settings from a Cloud-Managed Device