Support Alerts

Important Changes to DNSWatch and DNSWatchGO

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Hello everyone! This is going to be a short entry, but we wanted to make everyone that is using DNSWatch alerts to create tickets in their own PSA, RMM, or other ticketing systems aware of an upcoming change. Currently, communication for alerts and other account related communication comes from the...

WatchGuard’s Response to COVID-19

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As the world confronts the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to extend our heartfelt wishes that all remain in health and safety during this difficult time.

Knowledge Base Digest - February 2020

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Each month we publish numerous new articles and known issues to the WatchGuard Knowledge Base. Here is the new content published in February: Articles Outlook continually prompts for password How to ensure faster case resolution Contact WatchGuard Customer Support AuthPoint activation emails...

Knowledge Base Digest - January 2020

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Each month we publish numerous new articles and known issues to the WatchGuard Knowledge Base. Here is the new content published in January: Articles macOS High Sierra requires kernel extension for Mobile VPN with IPSec client Troubleshoot Signature Delivery Known Issues Mobile VPN with SSL on macOS...